By a hot summer, three friends gather in the Swiss Alps to enjoy the freshness of the air. It is 8:03 PM, a bottle of white wine is opened, the stress of life and emptiness of meaning are both discussed. The wine seems to be drunk rather rapidly. Dreams of adventure are formulated, a first bottle is emptied and another is opened. It is 10:25 PM when the POI rally is first mentioned, now the heat is palpable, not in the air, but in the minds. Pictures of previous editions are watched, excitation reigns. Under the stars, nothing can stop the three friends, plans of wilder adventures are made. 23:59 PM, what had to happen happens and the three friends enroll for the POI rally.
9:27 AM on the following morning... The deep headache seems like the lesser problem compared to the realization that the craziest adventure on wheels is awaiting us. We'll have to make good on it!