Team 2hot2handle

Fo Millais
Of 2hot2handle
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (September)

amazing lon g day...

amazing lon g day yesterday. Ended up in tiny village roads only 6" wider than Dulcie. Got hooked on lorry , kind boy lifted us off - N driving! Broke down after 2 hrs driving in dark at toll gate, caused mayhem .... again! 2 16 yr students helped us push for 1 hr through dark cobbled streets to a hotel. Up at 4.30 & went up Ghanges in boat & walked about. Just had great b'fast at Palace on Ghanges at s end of ghats. Hope mechanic is coming to make poor Darcy ok again. No idea what time or where we will end up tonight. TTFN 2H2H

Fo Millais
Of 2hot2handle
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (September)

Bihar, India

we had a good day today. Highs - racing a train, good road out of Siliguri, water buffalo, distance travelled. Lows - very nearly being wiped out by a tractor & trailer, being chased by a rabid dog, konking out at front of level crossing queue causing massive irate tailback, non-friendly Bihar people, retracing our steps by 1/2 hr to get a mechanic to sort Darcie's severe wheel wobble. We have made it to Hotel Park Inn in Begusarai. Our room has a running machine in it! Good lock up for Darcie, which is number 1 priority, but not clean bed & bathroom for Nic & Fo, so the sleeping bag liners are coming out. TTFN 2h2h

Fo Millais
Of 2hot2handle
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (September)

West Bengal, India

had an excellent day yesterday, Dulcie is being an angel as she starts and so far we haven't broken down - I had 5 by day 2 last time! The roads out of Meghalaya were every bit as bad as I remembered, with muddy cavernous potholes. Watching lorries go through them was like seeing boats on a rough sea! Last time we had a bad breakdown in Bongaigoan, requiring a total engine rebuild. An amazing man pushed us to a mechanic & stayed with us all day - he took us to the market for green cocoanuts to drink & to his home to meet his family & stayed with us for 6 hours. Yesterday we came into town from the opposite direction but divine intervention took us to the same workshop. I called up Vicky & it was so incredible to see him again - photo on FB. We had a very bumpy trip to Siliguri where we stopped - shaken but not stirred! Recommend Hotel Park Heaven. No idea where we will be tonight, or what excitements lie ahead of us today, but we are both loving India and her kind kind people. For example, the man in the road in Goalpala who took us to a hotel and carried in our luggage, petrol cans etc.. has already rung twice to make sure we are ok! TTFN

Fo Millais
Of 2hot2handle
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (September)

Shillong, India

Nic & Fo are still alive (only just) after a great send-off party last night at The Shillong Club. Today we have the sobering thought that the breadth of this amazing country has to be crossed ...... In a small, loud, unreliable, pimped up lawnmower. When we tell the locals what we are doing they just laugh, as Dulcie's rust is held together with paint, stickers and duct tape. Thank you so much to all our sponsors, we could t do it without you. Wish us luck, and we will try to keep you abreast of what's going on as we shake, rattle and roll our way on this epic trip. TTFN from 2H2H - the chemical formula for AWESOME! (thanks for that, Andy Wilson)

Fo Millais
Of 2hot2handle
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (September)

Meghalaya, India

it's been an amazing day. We went to St George's School (headmaster Mr Joseph) with team Bang Lostie - Ursula, Drew & Daniel. As we arrived the drum & bag pipe band greeted us. Fo cried as we said goodbye to Marina and then we went back to the polo ground to pimp Dulcie. This evening we were invited to an Indian wedding, delicious food, amazing hospitality and a beautiful bride. On the dance floor "Uncle George" was last seen star jumping and high 5'ing with the bridesmaids. Both relieved to only just escape the attentions of "Uncle George"!! #rr


Nichola Manners

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