All Sorry it has taken so long to post something. WiFi is REALLY had to come by. I have posted several photos on Facebook as the iPhone is easier to use.
Today we are in Varanasi. Yesterday was the longest day on the road. Had to stop and get the Tuk Tuk roof rack welded. Lots of weight and REALLY REALLY bad roads. A trip that should have taken about 6 hours to almost 12. Pot holes that you could drop a car into.
We are staying in the Radisson Hotel as we need a day off to get laundry done and recharge our batteries. Long hot dirty days on the road.
So far the Tuk Tuk (Sammie) has performed well. We have been very lucky and have only had the weld issue to deal with. The Aussies that we met have stated that they have broken down 4 time. We have been counting our blessing.
Two days here should help us reorganize our stuff and get clean clothing. You really miss the little things like clean cloths. I am starting to miss American food too. Cheeseburger sounds really good right now.