Team 2nd Attempt

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Chris Melville

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Tara Lambden

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<p><font color="#800080">&nbsp;</font><font color="#800080" size="5">Team 2<font size="5">nd</font> Attempt </font></p><p><font face="verdana,geneva">Having spectacularly failed to complete the rally in 2007, we're back in 2012 after a five-year regroup. </font></p><p><font face="verdana,geneva">Last time out our un-trusty jeep above died after about 400 miles in Germany, pushing a piston through the engine block. We managed to find and fit a replacement engine but it was equally bad, taking a litre of oil each hour. We limped on to Odessa in the Ukraine before it too went to the great scrap yard in the sky.&nbsp;</font></p><p><font face="verdana,geneva">This time some preparation is our plan, and intend to use the vehicle at least once before the start of the rally and see if we can get out of Europe this time...</font></p><p><font face="verdana,geneva">Our route is the southern route, through Europe to Turkey, then across the Caspian Sea in Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazahkstan,then Russia and finally into Mongolia.</font></p><p>Please see our team website <a href="" title="team website" target="_blank"></a> to keep up to date with our adventure :) </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>