Team 3 Men in a Rickshaw


well, how about that for a game of soldiers, we're in Delhi, and Delhi is hot, not unlike us if you believe one tout, who insisted we must all be film stars before trying to get us to ride in his rickshaw. Quite where he thought our filmstar limosine had gone, I'm not entirely sure.

On our first evening we ate at the Bukhara restaurant, apparantly the best restaurant in the country, and Bill Clinton's favourite place to eat in Delhi. His taste in restaurants has done much to redeem him in our eyes; doubt we're ever going to eat Indian food that good ever again. Done the general touristy thing, seen Lotus Temple, Red Fort etc. and have bought a couple of things from various stores. Getting on the train to Siliguri tomorrow, from thence to Sikkim, hopefully more blogs to follow.


3 Men in a Rickshaw (with 3 exciting copper goblets)

Adam Wells

Load Adam

Robert Mathew-Jones

Load Robert

Rob Greenman

Load Rob

<p><font color="#ff0000" face="times new roman,times" size="4">Greetings friends, family,&nbsp;fans and internet stalkers, who are sort of fans but who wear anoraks with the hoods up and often have beards.</font></p><p><font color="#ff0000" face="Times New Roman" size="4">This is our blog, where you'll be able to track us from the humble beginnings of sitting on our sofa writing blogs, to travelling across India in a rickshaw, but still, somehow, unaccountably writing blogs. Also, details of our schemes for&nbsp;fundraising events for Frank Water Projects, the charity we are hoping to raise at least &pound;1000 for, will be posted here. Not too many ideas have been put forward yet, but the 3 Peaks Challenge is a definite possibility amongst other things.</font></p><p><font color="#ff0000" face="Times New Roman" size="4">Finally, we'd like to thank you for your support, and if you could use our &quot;justgiving&quot; site to donate anything to Frank Water Projects, we, and the charity, would be very grateful. Cheers again,</font></p><p><font color="#ff0000" face="Times New Roman" size="4">Adam Wells, Rob Greenman and Rob Mathew-Jones (The 3 Men in a Rickshaw)</font></p>