Team 4 Chaps without a Map

Gavin Ayre

Hi, ive been looking at doin the Mongol Rally for some time now. After travelling around europe and then Hitchiking to Morroco from Leeds, decided that i wanted to go for something a little more adventerous.
Im a Student at Leeds University and love every minute. I love having a good time and most of all, i love tavelling.

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Tom Brougham

Load Tom

Philip Hayton

Load Philip

Peter Mcilrath

Load Peter

James Davis

Load James

<p>Welcome to 4 Chaps without a Map Team Website! The Team so far has myself (Gavin), Tom Brougham and Phil Hayton competing in the rally. The Car which we have decided to go for is a slick 2001 reg KIA Rio, hopefully anyway!!! </p><p>As you can see our route is looking towards the south east europe route, taking in the maximum amount of countries along the way, which total 18 altogether.</p><p>As for the equipment and fundraising, this is starting to gather pace now, with the three of us starting to place more attention on the mongol rally.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Check out our updated blogs, to see what we have been upto lately!!</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Catch you Soon</p><p>Gav, Tom and Phil </p>