Little bit of early morning sightseeing.
Not that we need reminding, but India’s trucks are death missiles. Driver likely fell asleep, hit a concrete barrier at full force, the back of the truck (full or concrete and sand) lunged forward severed the cab and drove it into a storm water underpass and landed on its side. Truck in 3 pieces. Driver sadly died.
Roadie melon. Yum.
Made it to Siliguri just before nightfall. Comfy digs for the night with a warm shower after a long day driving. Time for a few drinks.
Big Morning for #50SOS but after 6 hours on the road, seeing an elephant and being offered some of the regional dried “weed” by some locals, it’s time for lunch.
Is it just me or is anyone else eating a shit tonne of roadside chips/crispy snacks? Lovin the Indian flavours.
No idea where we are, but flags snapped in wind and had to stop. 3pm in Australia so time for a beer 😁😁
3 Walter Mitty types from Brisbane Australia looking for an outrageous adventure to celebrate being 50!