Team 9:30 Rebels

Sue Fabre
Of 9:30 Rebels
On the Mototaxi Junket 2014

3 weeks to go...

It's exactly 3 weeks until the launch date of the Mototaxi Junket 2014!

All flights are booked, t-shirt designs are going off to the printer tomorrow, and our team mascot is being made by my sister. We've got a few routes in mind, but know from the Rickshaw Run that detailed planning is futile, so we'll be spending the next few weeks celebrating my birthday instead, which is just before we leave for Piura...


I'm a 40 something training developer from Reading, UK, although originally from up North. After a serious illness 10 years ago, I've learnt not to put things off, and to take all of the challenges that look exciting in life. Highlights of the last 10 years of adventures have been playing with baby pandas in China, getting up close and personal with gorillas in East Afria, diving around the world, kayaking and polar bear spotting in the Arctic and doing a similar adventure to this one across India in 2012. May there be many, many more!

Dorian Fabre

Umm, errr... in serious denial of my rapidly-approaching half-century, I'm extending my midlife crisis by travelling, motorcycling and diving as much as possible, whilst trying to ignore the various aches and pains in my joints as I shamble towards adulthood. Or something.

read more... Load Dorian

After doing the Rickshaw Run across India in 2012, we couldn't resist signing up for this one too. Google Maps says it will take us 27 to do the route from Piura to the Sacred Valley, and as we know from our trip across India, Google Maps are never wrong... oh, hang on....

Breast Cancer Care

We want every person affected by breast cancer to get the best treatment, information and support.
