Team Team Classbuild

mark langford
Of Team Classbuild
On the The Mongol Rally 2011


so we left finland and i will be honest i was a little nervous about the russian border after the stories i had heard so we emptied out the car and prepped for a search so we drove over and using the international language of the point got our forms that we cocked up a lot and had to restart. so this took ages and all through out the border gaurd keeps coming over to see if wqe are ready to be searched so we have to wave him away. eventually after 2 hours we got everything right and the guy headed over and finally we could say yes search our car but result he just waved us through with a sort of smile. donal thinks it was because he felt sorry for the fact we where idiots i reckon it was the fact i was in a bright red cccp t shirt and he was old enough to remembered the good old days. we powered onto to moscow as we where running late and i feel asleep only to be awoken by donal have a small argument with a police officer over how much the bribe would be yes he was speding yes he paid a bribe totalling 42 quid we stayed in moscow toyured red square and saw lenin. we are in mongolia atm and my net access is restricted so will update the rest at vthe next stop


much love 


mark langford

my name is mark i live in eton near windsor at the mo and very soon i am going to mongolia and i am gonna party the whole way there booyah

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Donal and Marks trip to Mongolia