Had to use a pickup to cross the river bed west of Ramlia.

Had to use a pickup to cross the river bed west of Ramlia.
Testing what3words
Testing what3words
Testing what3words
AC Donkey Monkey
Mr. Campaigning invests time and money into ideas, startups and solutions that make this world a better place. Currently he is on a mission to make flying CO2-neutral. More about this (in German): https://petermetzinger.com/2019/09/08/co2-neutral-fliegen-bis-2050-so-geht-das-guenstig-und-ohne-widerstand/ Apart from that he is working on two ideas that have to goal to significantly shorten the time to market for climate change solutions.
‚Impossible is just a word for change‘ Mr. Campaigning supports companies, industry associations and other organisations in mastering seemingly impossible missions in the fields of leadership, marketing, communications and/or politics – e.g. for clients from ABB to the World Economic Forum. Campaigning since 1982