Team Alan Parachute Dick

Tom Napper
Of Alan Parachute Dick
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

More generosity from the Turks

Having bumped into another team in Istanbul, they joined us for a drink at a restaurant we decided not to eat at because the menu looke ddecidedly bad.  We ended up drinking with these guys and the manager, dissapointed that we didn't eat kept bringing us fresh fruit and supplied with with plentiful amounts of cheap beer!  After come cocktails and sheesha we were left with a slightly leathal hangover leading to a very late departure the next day from Istanbul.

 With Matt Cursing the recently departed Kirsty for taking the Turkish map, we left with only a very vague idea of wehre to go:  Slightly north eastish until we hit the black sea!  The first major hurdle arrived when we tried to leave the motorway and had no swipe card (why the hell would we?) had to drive way back to avoid a huge bill and then got lost!

  After hours of driving, with no idea wehre we were and no sign of any good camping area, we called into a shop (1030 at night) to ask for directions or a map, before we knew what was going on we were surrounded by the whole extended family, looking of the internet, none of sommunicationg in familiar languages and were brought drinks and indulged in lots of banter with very little understanding!  Soon there was a car waiting outside and some of the family jumped in, beckoning us to follow, they drove with us forllowwing for half an hour before guiding us onto the motorway and sending us on our way, amazing!

Eventually we found a cliff by the beach to camp, it was vaguely run by a gypsy kid who had installed some running water and a long drop.  Free camping, on a cliff abovea  a beach.  'ansome.


We awoke surrounded by chickens and swam before setting off along the coast.

Matt Soul

I love our 3 cylinder Suzuki Stroll!

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Tom Napper

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Kirsty Le Saint

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<font face="helvetica" size="3">From Istanbul onwards the blogs should be &#305;n Chronolog&#305;cal order, prev&#305;ous to th&#305;s, I have been slack / very busy and am now try&#305;ng to catch up so keep look&#305;ng and remember there may still be b&#305;ts from the early part of the tr&#305;p that are new to the blog!!</font>