<p>i am stoked that we soon...
i am stoked that we soon have colected 2000 pounds to
<p>i am stoked that we soon...
i am stoked that we soon have colected 2000 pounds to
we accept credit cards
we have received 20 £ to Franks water project from the sailor :) he have plenty water .
and i know you all have a credit card , so dont be shy , please donate here for medecins sans frontiere http://www.justgiving.com/alis
and here if you wish to support a water project in india http://www.justgiving.com/alis0
and what will we do ?we will drive from northen india to the south of india in a tuk tuk rufly 4000 km ,
we have been colecting botles
we have collected some bottles and friendly people have been supporting with coins , and we have just raised 200 pounds !!
stoked to help !!
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namaste !!283 days left
today march 22nd there is only 283 days left until we start our journey trough india
<p>the Rickshaw run 2013 </p><p>on this page you can follow the preparation for our trip and follow us during the run </p>