Sign-up day
**Day -140**
With 140 days remaining before the official **Mongol Rally Launch Party **at Goodwood in West Sussex, Luke and I have just had a sketchy video call over Facebook - with myself sat at home here in Ipswich, UK and he laying in a dorm bed in Chiang Mai's Dozy House hostel - to finally confirm that we are both committed to being in the UK by mid-July to start this absurd adventure to the middle of Siberia together.
We have nothing planned at all so I now have those 140 days to fundraise, find a suitable motor and save some cash whilst Luke lives it up out of his backpack across Asia for the majority of that time before he is forced to come home with enough time to obtain the necessary bureaucratic documentation to allow him to make legally make this journey to Ulan Ude without being detained at yet another border.
There is a lot of work to be done, but between us, these two Бајина Баштадс (Bajina Baštads) always have enough good fortune bestowed upon us for me to have every faith we will make it!
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