Team Benedict Speed

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Greatest accomplishment? Grand Final winner of the Australian high-school Rock Eisteddfod in 1988. Why does no one ever believe me when I tell them that?? It's true!!

Mechanical skill level? I can change a tire and used to be able to replace the exhaust manifold gasket on a '76 Lancia Beta. Other than that.... sweet FA.

Driving skill level? Better than Nicole's but only because I'm crazier and far, far more stupid (see that isn't even grammatically correct).

Knowledge of India? All gleamed from my favourite movie of all time 'A Little Princess'... the story of a little girl who used the memories and amazing stories of her childhood in India to survive a horrible boarding school existence. The story of Prince Rama and Princess Sita still makes me tear up today! *sob*

What do you think of Nicole? Total hottie, super smart, speaks a dozen languages, and loves adventure! What's not to love??

Who will cry first? Yeah, yeah that'll no doubt be me. But only for something important like we've run over a small child or even worse.... run out of booze.


Greatest accomplishment? $100AUD winner for completing an Energy Australia survey in 2007.

Mechanical skill level? Dad taught me to change a tyre and check the oil of my first car. Unfortunately I have never been strong enough to undo the bolts to change a tyre but I am downright mean at checking an oil level. I should quickly mention - I haven't driven in the last 1.5 years.

Driving skill level? Never driven in Asia. My very first driving lesson with Mum resulted in car-meets-dumpster - after that my parents paid for an instructor. 2 previous accidents. I can however <drumb-roll please> drive a tractor.

Knowledge of India? I have a very sensitive stomach.

What do you think of Ned? Total softy.

Who will cry first? Uncle Neddy without a doubt.