Team Bewilderbeests

Jessica Mousley
Of Bewilderbeests
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

Pimped and ready but never steady!

So we all made it to India! Mostly due to Conway and Tania's Father and Mother goose skills! After a long trip for 4 of us from Kenya fighting extremely bad hangovers! We met up with Tania and Jules in Sharjah and were Cured by a massive overdose of Mac Donald's! We arrived in Forth Cochin on Tuesday, had 2 hours sleep and then headed down to find out little beests!

Ours with 58,000km on our clock and the chickshaw with 28,000 km these little things have already covered some massive distance!

After a few days of pimping the tuk tuk out, test driving and a lot of King fisher beer, a night of Whiskey and a lot of head wobbling! We are all set and ready but not totally steady for the start of the race tomorrow! ![Uploading file...]()

Jessica Mousley
Of Bewilderbeests
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

From Kenya to India in 8 days

So 2015 has flow by! And we are just 10 days away from our Flight Nairobi - kochieeeeee India! Not quite sure how organized we all are and still scrambling to get our yellow fever jabs and licenses and visas! Here we are the Bewilderbeests team members! Mighty Mouse -Jessie! Con-man - Conway! And Slug-man Arthur!

So our Hemorrhoid ass cushions are on order set and ready for this 3500km pain in the ass Rick shaw race!Bring it on!!![file](//



I Am Me. Me I Am. Am I Me.


We are a 3 Human Bean Team consisting of 2 Kenyans, Conway AKA O'Shey and Jess Aka Mightmouse and one Irish man called Arthur.
Arthur is going to add some rocket power to out rickshaw with his secret slug eating weapon. O'shey also has some secret experience in rick shaw driving after he stole a tuk tuk in Malindi outsde star dust disco and drove it around for all of 20 min before we had to swiftly exit the vicinity. Ive broken my tail bone twice, all i can say is this race will be the best pain in the ass ill ever experience! so hopefully all i need to do is sit back, relax and enjoy the bumpy ride!

We all currently live in Kenya so our sense of adventure is pretty sharp and often gets us very close to the endge of Danger!! BRING IT ON!

Cool earth

Cool Earth is the charity that works alongside indigenous villages to halt rainforest destruction.
