Team Bharat to the Future

Andy Cronin
Of Bharat to the Future
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016


We made it to jaisalmer in one piece, albeit with a few breakdowns on the final push. I helped mend one rickshaws carburettor with a conform and electrical tape, it would've been good to see the look on the mechanic's face when that gets inspected! We also managed to breakdown by driving the shaw through a huge puddle, nothing to do but wait for it to dry! It's been an awesome trip, we'd like to thank everyone for the generous donations that has helped us pass our target. Rickshaw run complete, now to survive the finishing party and train back to Delhi!

Andy Cronin
Of Bharat to the Future
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016


We decided to go and see the city palace in udaipur this morning which resulted in a 1pm departure.... Jodhpur isn't that far right? Wrong, we rocked up at 1030pm with some more sketchy night driving. The good news is that the ainsley chariot is back up and running and we're looking good to make jaisalmer tomorrow, only two of seven have brown laser and it's not either if us in spite of the street food we keep getting due to poor breakfast plans, we're now praying that the delorean will hold out for tomorrow's last big drive

Andy Cronin
Of Bharat to the Future
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

Enter Rajasthan

Made it in to Udaipur only for our compadre's rickshaw to finally give up. After celebrating Ainsley Chariot's 10k birthday, he struggled in to the city unable to stop or he'd never start again.... quite a feat considering the fact that the city driving in this place is the craziest yet. Picture alleyways barely big enough for a rickshaw, rammed with loads of them trying to go in both directions and throw a few hundred mopeds into the mix for good measure. The chariots crank has broken which was going to be a two day job, their team threw money at the problem so it should now be ready for 10am with the mech working through the night. It'll be a speedy travel to Jodhpur to try and get in before nightfall, with the crazy traffic here night driving is no longer an option. The delorean is running fine, fingers crossed we make it with just two days left!

Andy Cronin
Of Bharat to the Future
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

Goa mid point party

Arrived just in time to meet with our fellow racers and enjoy a beer or five.... Cue matching outfits and introducing our compadres to one of the best drinks going: the randomiser! Half day driving tomorrow to try and push north, we'll service the rickshaw too, although the phrase if it ain't broke comes to mind...

