Day 13
Kannur - Kochin 312km

Daily highlight reels:
- Earliest start we've had
- Kevin wasted by 6am and carried on trucking through to Kochin
- Festival for new year meant firecrackers going off everywhere! In front yards and on the road.
- Brett and Jimmy survived truck stop food
- Fresh pineapple for breakfast cut up by one of the local men.
- lunch stop at 5 star resort, Ravitz"
- loads of fish nets coming into Kochin
- Purchased additional fireworks and tested them in the back ally
-Pull up bridge
- saw 2 other teams with their rickshaws on the back of a truck. They were partying and letting fireworks go off the back!
- Pushie ran into a car. Everyone OK but quite scary and damage done to the back of car and front of Pushie. Ange was driving and the impact smacked her head against the windscreen and knees into dash area. They became wedged in the back left edge of car and got up on 2 wheels. Very lucky escape.
- Security guards coming into Vivanta hotel with machine guns stopped us, Gussy pulled the admiral card and between that and a red selfies we got off Scott free.
- Amazing hotel in Kochin, Vivanta by Taj
- Young kids showing us how to light the fireworks
- Good Friday processions reinacting the crusifiction
- We didn't cross the official finish line today as we are keen to keep the Tuk Tuks for as long as possible; once we cross they take the keys. So planning on cruising around Cochin a little in the morning then heading down to finish line in the afternoon.
Nominations -
Gus, as Kevin is still fucked
Ange, Car Crash
Jac, no driving
Mash, lost Pushie
Winner is Angela! Congrats!
Nominations -
- Hooper for rolling a joint in moving Tuk Tuk
- Michele well timed bathroom stop resulted in 5 Star
- Angus for playing the admiral card!
- Michele for buying fireworks and lighting them on the side of the road
- Ange for great breaking to avoid a more serious accident
Winner is Angus!!!!
Day 12
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Mangalore to Kannur
- everyone switched Tuk Tuk with no one in their original and random drivers selected.
- Gus was driving Kevin and fucked him royally. Clutch gone.
- Stopped at 5 or 6 mechanics, no one could fix and one of them made it worse.
- while waiting at one mechanic we met a family who invited us into their house which was more like a compound. 4 houses with family all living there including full fruit plantation out the back with pineapple, coconut, jacks fruit. The little girls were dancing, the father (67) very proudly showed us around and gave us a pineapple and coconut. Amazing people and their house was very good.
- went to find a truck for Kevin to ride on and also found a fireworks shop! Purchased some very large fireworks! "Big Sky"
- Stoned/High drunk guy on video name: Momo
- Bing got lost coming to Kairlai Heritage resort and did some time off road in the rice fields! Local scenic tour!
- Kevin rode in a truck
- Boys bought lungi (men's skirt!)
- Gus and Ange nearly hit the back of a bus, locked up Push Push and slid about 10m
- Hollis rode a motorbike, the guy who was helping is needed his motorbike moved so he went for a spin.
- First night that we finished our meal!
- Jimmy is now only speaking broken Hindi/English! Slipped back to 2yr old! "We need truck (furious hand movements), get too Kannur"
Dunce - nominations Angus for breaking Kevin, Angus for nearly hitting bus, Kevin for being fucked
Winner of Dunce: Angus
Hero - nominations Hooper for negotiating truck, Michele for buying fireworks, Kevin for giving the race his best.
Winner of Hero: Kevin
Day 11
Ankola - Mangalore 265km
- Andrew hit a car
- Angela hit an island
- 3 girls driving the Tuk Tik's at high speeds on coastal roads best average speed to date at 60km/hr
- all dragged out of the pool at motel to go and have showers
- pretty busy city driving
- heaps of skinny cows
- women's dresses changed, they are showing all of their back
- morning drive through the rice fields
- Jac and Angela got blown kisses
- cara driving past we're really seeking out the girls in the rickshaw
- Pushie hit Kevin from behind about 6 times today
- inter Tuk Tuk food fights on the highway
- Bingo was adorned in celebration flowers
- Saw fish markets
- won photo of the day for the entire rickshaw run
Hero:Andrew self nominated for hero for avoiding a crash - denied
Awarded to Kevin for navigating and running a good average speed.
Dunce: nominations include Andrew for hitting a car, Awarded!
Day 10
Day 10
- nude photos
- fishing village and markets
- beach
- honey beach
- dead end rocky rd
- me got Bing on 2 wheels coming up a ditch
Hero - Kevin for navagating and looking out for everyone
Dunce - Michele and Jimmy for sleeping in and ordering bespoke breakfast which delayed takeoff
Day 9
Day 9
Day off - Goa
- party
- Beach
- Pool
- day nap
- ripped Gus sleeves off favorite Indian shirt
- Italian restaurant sitting on the floor
- Maria the Spanish girl new friend
Hero- jimmy for karaoke
Dunce not awarded
Day 8
Day 8
Got part for pushie, fixed
Hectic drive through mountain rainforest
Lunch on side of Rd in mountains proper street food
- Friendly locals in temple on the way, good English with daughter in Canada studying
- great accommodation at Jacks in Goa Varatoga
- Jimmy karaoke in Goa
- seafood
- Andrew sat on a cow
Hero- Gus and Andrew fixing pushie
Dunce- Kevin ran out of fuel
Day 7
Day 7 Pune to Napani 302km
- Pushie broke down
Day 6
Day 6
Neski to Pune 290km (approx)
- Jimmy and Hollis ran out of fuel 20m out of the hotel driveway
- coming into Sukarnthe boys were offered ive cream and hen our whole convoy was mobbed by locals. This resulted in us being escorted to meet the President and then a welcoming ceremony where they marked our faces with a red dot and presented us with coconut and scarf. The ceremony was performed in the local council meeting room with local
Media present. Amazing experience and a real highlight of the entire trip. It was so lovely to feel so welcome in a town that is so remote and the people were genuinely excited to meet us.
- longest day on the road
- battling traffic in Pune to arrive just on sunset
- No breakdowns at all!
- found sunscreen at the pharmacist
- great hotel, Noorya Hometel and enjoying ice and buffet with salad
- Jimmy finally got the hang of a squat toilet
- Brett returned to seminsolid for a few hours and now goes back to Push Squirt
- group exercising in the playground
- some great tips from the boys for using a squat toilet. "Don't be a hero and take your pants all the way off" (Hollis) "Just take one leg out and tuck the other under your arm" (Jimmy)
Hero: Brett for instigating the meeting with the president
Dunce: Michele after losing paper scissor rock with James after making call that they didn't need any more fuel last night which resulted in failure today. Protest entered by Michele on the basis she had no power to influence. Protest denied.
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Day 5
Day 5
Bardoli to Nashik 240kms uphill through the mountains
Highlight roll:
- lunch in Saratoga with a very over attentive waiter and only relishing we were 50m from the border where we could have got alcohol!!
- detour around the city in Kevin
- First elephant sighting with painted face
- Summitting the mountain with all 3 Tuk Tik's
- watermelon breakfast, first time
- strawberries on the side of road
- Hollis and Jimmy drinking sugarcane and pineapple juice out of dirty glasses and ice!
- Angus quote "I'd murder that girl (child) for a coffee"
- Push Push few breakdowns, still can't diagnose the problem
- Kevin ran out of fuel.... again!
- Road raging dancing on the edge in the accident zone while Push Push was resting
Hero: Ange
Dunce: jimmy
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Day 4
Vadodara to Bodolhi
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262 kms
- started 6:20
- dogs chasing us and barking as we left Vadodara, trying to bite Jacqui in the back of the Tuk Tuk
-Variety of terrain
-Mountain climbing
-Farming family under the tree, eating berries and koalas to kids
- Christian cemetery
- Kevin did a spark plug & ran out of fuel
- epic chats trying to get directions from about 40 locals
- Michele got into a truck
- Hollis did some solo driving
- jumping out of moving Tuk Tik's Angus, Jimmy and Michele
- Cotton fields
- angus fed the homeless man the breakfast basket
- Fed Monkey and banana
- Get Bing under the bridge
- Amazing scenery, lakes and dry rainforest
- Wildlife sanctuary with no wildlife
- mud hut villages
- mucked up the navigation and had to make a last minute decision to head west and stay in a dodgy hotel with no sheets
- Albino Indian on a motorbike
- Bingo got lost and had to chase the team down only to find that we were the ones on the right road!
Hero award: Angus feeding the homeless man
Dunce award: