Team Biryani Bandits

Damien Jackson
Of Biryani Bandits
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day 14

Had a lie in and Left Kumta at 7am. The roads were good to us and reached Mangalore around 2pm. Stayed in the Poonja Hotel. We found a Macdonalds, so like any decent travellers we obliged and had a cheeky chicken burger (no beef you see, cows are god innit). mangalore seems to be a nice city, big and busy, but not in a way where everyone is trying to kill you when you cross the road. We attempted to take in the sights, we even went to a temple, but on came the hardest downpour of rain I have seen in a very long time. So we abandoned our half arsed touristy trek and retreated back to the crap wifi at the hotel. Inevitably we got hungry and thirsty so headed out to cafe Mojo - a British themed pub where we bumped into 3 ozzy fellas who were also on the rickshaw run. It was great to catch up, share a beer and stories. It was the first time we had met any fellow runners since about day 3.

Damien Jackson
Of Biryani Bandits
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Toll Rats. Interrogation and a new spark plug. Day 8 in brief.

WHAT A DAY!! waaaaaaay too tired to go through it all now, but today was probably the most scary/random day of my life. We had great roads and eventually managed to smash 400kms from Bilaspur to Nagpur. It's the most we travelled in a day so far. We're gonna head for Hyderabad (500kms) tomorrow and hopefully reach Goa by the 13th. Really feels like we're making progress now. I'll scribe a tidy blog tomorrow summarising the last few days. It's been nuts to say the very least. Hotel is a solid 6/10. Today's roadkill count: 5 Nagpur looks like a cool city. Unfortunately we arrived too late to enjoy it, it appears everything here closes at 9pm, just as we were checking into our hotel. Bonjour. Damo

Damien Jackson
Of Biryani Bandits
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day 6

Best day so far. We left the Hazaribagh, Jharkhand at 5am, eager to get out of the shithole and on the road. For the first time since being on the run we found amazing roads (for the most part) and beautiful scenery. Most of the journey was going through mountain ranges and countryside. India really showed her beauty today. Eager to clock the miles hoping for a day off in Goa, we pushed hard aiming for Kunkuri. We skipped breaky and had lunch (potato samosas - highly recommended) on the road. We stopped for a quick game of footy while Meredith and Sheila had a cooling break. A small crowd of locals gathered to watch, I don't know what for, we were crap. Did our first bit of off roading when we went to visit a waterfall. it was great fun as it was about 10km of hilly, rocky dirt track. Totally Worth it, the waterfall was great, really powerful. However, with the light fading we didn't stop long and headed back to the highway to plough on to Kinkuri, nearly running out of petrol, we eventually rolled into the town on almost empty.

I'll finish this story tomorrow, I'm Knackered. Peas Damo



IG: a_story_of_holmes
