Team Blazing Chillies

SMS Update

Culture cont'ed this morn aft full buffet b'fast at 5x Ambassador @ Ellora Caves & a 'gentle' stroll up 720 steps 2 top of Dualaltabad Fort in early cool-38C. Both visits fab. On to Pune-ag fun night driving in rush hour city (is there any other?). Narrowly missed elephant walking-he had no lights. Forced off road by rogue lorry-again. Ag arrived 2 late 4 any Retail Therapy for S.

Mark Cunningham-Hill

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Edward Whitfield

Having once seen a TV program all about India I shall be the perfect addition to the team

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Susan Cunningham-Hill

Picture : Charles taking me for a walk in Maer Hills. It is my job to nurse any member of the team getting any type of man-flu. Both M and C know of my nursing abilities and will avoid any ill-health at all costs. When not tending man-egos I shall be in charge of early starts every day at dawn.

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Please follow the Blazing Chillies Team in its preparation for, and crazy mad drive across India!