Piura, Peru
FINISHED! One grumpy policeman one broken chain and one slipped chain/wobbley axle and we are here! Shower then beer is the order of the day!
Piura, Peru
FINISHED! One grumpy policeman one broken chain and one slipped chain/wobbley axle and we are here! Shower then beer is the order of the day!
Sechura, Peru
she works, 20 pounds later and lots of pictures with the mechanics cause they saw the mototaxi stuff in the paper. To the finish line!
Sechura, Peru
still pretty much in bits in the workshop, hopefully will be working in an hour or two!
Sechura, Peru
just about to head to the mechanics to see if the taxi is heady, hopefully in under 3 hours we will be finished!
Sechura, Peru
turns out it was the springy thing on top of the piston that broke! 17 quid later and we can pick it up in the morning :)
Sechura, Peru
gearbox blew up, pushed taxi 5km managed to convince a peru mototaxi to tow us to a mechanic. Now waiting for verdict..
Lambayeque, Peru
buckled front wheel has finally given up, most spokes are loose 6 have snapped most in one place. Trying to get a new 1 before we set off.
Lambayeque, Peru
having a big breakfast before we head out for about 160 km in the desert.
Eten, Peru
never knew a mototaxi could drive up a beach! Well it did until we got stuck and broke down and some peru fishermen pushed us with there mototaxi to the nearest town :) getting close now!@
La Libertad Region, Peru
turns out they live in trujillo, awesome. Now we just gotta figure out how to get up through the desert without using the pan america!
<div><div style="text-align: center">Ok, so we are Bumblin'N'Tumblin, BnT (or Bint if you prefer) and are going to attempt the Mototaxi Junket, most probably unsucessfully, we got lost trying to find the Tea and Gin afternoon in London!</div><div>So, meet the team...</div><div></div></div><div><table><tbody><tr><td><div>GRAHAM: Team Mechanic, Cook, General Man... </div><div>Hobbies: Making noise he claims is music, fiddling with computers</div><div>Occupation: IT fiddler (synonymous for 'does nothing')Generally thinks he's in charge (it was his idea) but left up to him we'd end up in Taiwan... Reckons that anything that goes uphill is North </div></td><td><div style="text-align: center"><img src="team_website_resources/6554/g.jpg" /></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div><table border="0"><tbody><tr><td><div style="text-align: center"><img src="team_website_resources/6554/J.jpg" /></div></td><td><div>JAMES: Team Medic, Navigator (knows that uphill is not always North), general smart-arse, translator (can say beer and swear in Spanish)</div><div>Hobbies: Thinking (knowing ) he is always right, throwing a frisbee at high speed and claiming it's a 'sport'</div><div>Occupation: Medical Student (synonymous for 'accidentally kills people') </div></td></tr></tbody></table><table border="0"><tbody><tr><td><p> </p><p>1000 Miles (ish) through the andes on a mototaxi with no support or good company! Here's our theorectical route: </p><p style="text-align: center"><img src="team_website_resources/6554/peru.jpg" /></p><p style="text-align: center">On What? </p><p style="text-align: center"><img src="team_website_resources/6554/20429_X500Y375.jpg" /></p><p style="text-align: center"> </p><p style="text-align: center"><font class="Apple-style-span" size="6">EASY RIGHT!?</font> </p><p style="text-align: center"> </p></td></tr><tr><td><p>So cross your fingers, toes, ankles, knees and eyes, rub your rabbits feet, unshoe your horses and pray to whatever God you pray to, we are gonna need some serious luck with this one! This blog will let you know what we get up to in this crazy adventure of ours... and possibly post the time and date of our funerals :D</p></td></tr></tbody></table><div><a href="http://practicalaction.org/"><table align="center"><tbody><tr><td><p style="text-align: center"> $parse[justgivingwidget_3088842] </p></td><td><img src="team_website_resources/6554/pa.gif" /></td><td> <font color="#0066cc">Click here for information on the charity we are supporting.</font></td></tr><tr></tr></tbody></table></a></div><div></div><div style="text-align: center"><strong><font size="5"><a href="http://www.theadventurists.com/the-adventures/mototaxi-junket/teams/bnt">Track Our Progress Here</a></font></strong></div>