Team Braking Wind

Paul Crerar
Of Braking Wind
On the Rickshaw Run August 2017

Today was a rest day. We say a rest day but we headed out in to Jodphur, first call was to ensure that we stopped leaking fuel and give Sparky a clean. Thanks to Ajoy's Uncle Raju, things where all sorted

We also had a guided tour of the University and saw a amazing display of engines and gave a quick Q&A session with the second year students. 

After lunch Terrance, Raju's son made for an excellent tour guide and showed us round first the Raj's palace and the Jodhpur fort.

Terrances brother Mark then kindly filled me in about the details and Rules of  Kabaddi, a sport that needs to expand to U.K. 

Next step into the desert and the finish line, fingers crossed. Will be in convoy with Kami Surtra.

Paul & Ellie 

Ellie Fearon
Of Braking Wind
On the Rickshaw Run August 2017

I had planned to remark that we have experienced a significant change of weather, with heat and dust prevailing, but then we had the mother of all showers when we reached jodhpur. Puddles reaching the wheel arches stuff. "Close your mouth!" Paul shouted over the rain as cars drove by drenching us with a mixture of puddle and probably sewage! We managed to negotiate the chaos and now at a lovely hotel drinking cocktails whilst sparky sits outside with some vintage cars (I assume exchanging war stories).

Before all this we were delighted to be reunited with Kami Sutra after their epic adventure. We also visited a beautiful Jain temple and marvelled at the gorgeous countryside of Rajasthan.

Rewarding ourselves with a day off tomorrow before we head to our final stop.

Oh and we got dog egg and wee on the car today (another story!) so the rain was probably not a bad thing.

Paul Crerar
Of Braking Wind
On the Rickshaw Run August 2017

We had tea and jam on toast for breakfast, curry doesn't seem to start the day well for me. 

Off we set early doors again as we had 300km to cover. It did start well as we found ourselves going up a motor way that doesn't except 3 wheelers, following road directions is impossible.

Covered some great mileage in the end and made it to the Rabbit Warren that is Udiapor. We did know where the hotel was so dump our bags at the first one we found. 

Went for a wonder round it's an amazing setting, just wish the motor cycles would stop trying to run us over, never thought I would say this but felt safer in the Rickshaw.

Dinner was had on a roof top away from the noise and chaos  to watch to sun set over the hills. Jodphur tomorrow and a rest day. Sparky has does us proud again!

Ellie Fearon
Of Braking Wind
On the Rickshaw Run August 2017

After a very early start to skip the traffic of Surat and a slight encounter with a barrier whilst trying to climb a slippery slope out of the hotel car park, we made our way to champaner-pavagadh archaeological park. For a UNESCO world heritage site it was surprisingly devoid of tourists. Just us, some monkeys and some rather pongy bats. 

With the exception of a dodgy "veg sandwich" from what seemed to be a trucker's rest stop, the food today has been delicious. 

Ellie Fearon
Of Braking Wind
On the Rickshaw Run August 2017

Wet, wet, wet.

Today's word of the day is rain. It didn't stop all day and when India does monsoon rain, she takes it seriously! It was either raining or raining really hard. Oh, and we had some pea souped fog thrown in for good measure. The highway became a river at one point.

During this excitement whilst negotiating the highway round mumbai one of our roof rack welds failed. The gaffer tape and cable ties were whipped out and it was temporarily sorted. Rather conveniently there was a welder located right opposite our hotel so it is back in one piece again.

Off now to try and dry all my things. Reached the limit of my dry bags. Tip for next time's runners: bring the kind that keep your stuff dry when you float it through a river!

Ellie Fearon
Of Braking Wind
On the Rickshaw Run August 2017

Quite a long slog today to make it to alibag. Popped into a bajaj service centre where we found the hallowed CDI (all hail!) for our spares. Other than that we put in our wishes with a special mouse at a temple, replaced a leaky fuel filter with a slightly less leaky one and drove through some beautiful countryside.

After several heavy rain showers and a day sat in wet pants I have developed "Rick-sore bum". It is very similar to the infamous yachty-botty. Forgot the Sudocrem Becca and Joffrey donated, hopefully germolene will suffice. 

Ellie Fearon
Of Braking Wind
On the Rickshaw Run August 2017

First breakdown this evening. On the plus side a local mechanic dashed to assist with a screwdriver and our grounding problem was sorted; on the downside we broke down on a bunch of ants feasting on a poo. The nasty little creatures then decided to bite us instead. 

Numbers of the day

Tipped over trucks: 2

Cows: numerous (cow in road numbers rising exponentially!)



Pair of misfits who love an adventure and don't know when to say no sometimes.

Cool Earth

Cool Earth is the charity that works alongside indigenous villages to halt rainforest destruction.
