SMS Update
lovely wind farms on the route, air in tyre's and our first of many rattles to appear in baby blue! Couple of hours till the 8 o'clock ferry!
SMS Update
lovely wind farms on the route, air in tyre's and our first of many rattles to appear in baby blue! Couple of hours till the 8 o'clock ferry!
Welcome and stuff
 So, hello and welcome to the... what are we called?  Scon on Tour team? No, I don't know what it means either.  We may change it.    Anyway, here's the story so far... Way back in the dawn of last summer our go-getting team mate Sam shelled out a princely sum for two places in the Mongol Rally. Eager to get started with the planning for this epic adventure she got in touch with the team mates who had been so eager to take part in the pub.  Unfortunately, in the sober light of day most of them had realised that they had no money/needed to go to their gran's funeral/had contracted syphilis etc. etc. Not to be deterred, Sam and her remaining team mates of the Brown Cow Independent Taxi Ltd team - those for whom the flame of adventure burned in their hearts both drunk and sober - cast their net far and wide to find a few dopes to fill the second car.  We are those dopes.  There's me, a layabout freelance writer from Manchester (and, for the last two years, York).      And there's Johnny, from Durham.  Who I haven't met yet.   And there's Simon, from Nottingham.   Who I haven't met yet.   BUT! There is a car.  It's a W reg Skoda Felicia estate, unfortunately 1.3l.  She's sexy. Â
Made in England.<br><br>
100% tweed.<br><br>
Dry clean only.<br><br>
I caught my adventure bug whilst doing the Mongol rally, my next trip is going to be the Rickshaw Run 2011 in which I will be raising money on behalf of Stephen Dawson who died spring 2010 at the age of 26 and donating it to the British Heart Foundation.
Welcome to the team blog for the Brown Cow Independent Taxi (Un)Ltd team, the not so good half of the Brown Cow Independent Taxi team.<br /><br /> Remember how Danny DeVito inherited all the worst genetic characteristics of his parents in twins?<br /><br /> We are the short, fat Italian loudmouth brother to the polyglot, toned genius Schwarzenegger of the Brown Cow team.<br /><br />