After 2 weeks, and 3000km....we have arrived to the finish line as Adveturist Survivors...
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Now....when's the next one?!?
Apes the adventurist
After 2 weeks, and 3000km....we have arrived to the finish line as Adveturist Survivors...
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Now....when's the next one?!?
Apes the adventurist
20km from the finish...
...time to bust out the whiskey!!
So....we eventually made it to Udaipor around 7pm, after spending most of the day at the mechanics.
We met up with a load of other teams from the run, and almost took over the whole restaurant!
Afterwards, we had a little team sit down to iron out some kinks for the last few days.
Then, up early for seeing a bit of Udaipor. We saw the sunrise at breakfast, and got to see inside the palace and then it was time to get on the road for a long day.
It was probably our most comfortable day driving...we were in goods spirits, driving shifts were easy, and we were a really a cohesive unit. It was a great feeling. Gokd way to wind down our trip...lets just hope out last day (it starts at 4am) goes just as smooth.
See ya at the finish, Apes
How's my driving?
So as of today, ONE of us has side-swiped a car, ONE of us has side-swiped a mac truck, and ONE of us >cough< girl-driver >cough< hasn't hit anything...
Bad start
So last night we had our plans and were prepared to head North up to the finish line, and have about 200kms drive each day. We'd get to the finish line a day early, and join a large number of teams on an overnight camel safari in the desert. Sounds like a great ending to the trip. With plans made, we knew 6am was a good leaving time since it was only gonna be 200km drive.
Morning time! Not sure what dreams were had during the night, but at 615am, I was outvoted to keep our plans from the night before. Instead, it's off to the East...150km extra to see the town of Udaipor. While I agree amazing things have been said about this city on this trip, it didn't seem to be feasible with the finish date coming quickly, and already having a later start. So, having a start now close to 7am, and and extra 150km added to the trip, we are off...
...or so we thought...
Guess what? A breakdown. And no mechanics open this early. We eventually get the Rickshaw to a small town mechanic about 20km from our start, but he won't arrive till 10am. So, we wait. Once he comes, he drives it and said its fixed. Fixed as if there was nothing wrong. So, we are off again. Breakdown again, so back to the mechanic. He takes it for a joy ride and comes back to say we have dirty petrol and to change the filter at the next town.
So, after a few hours since we awoke, it was finally (we hope) driving time!
I huddle into the corner of the Rickshaw for some warmth, already thinking this "new plan" is a bad idea, since made in early morning haste, especially with an injured auto...and fall asleep.
I awake to the sound of glass breaking....oh, thats just my bottle of vodka falling from my bag on the roof. As I step out, I check for my most treasured traveling ADPi (sorority) flipflops that were next to the vodka. Only one is still there. So, my flops that have travelled the world with me, all 28 countries, have been lost and found at the bottle of the Vang Vien River, are molded to my feet, have been my go to after my stint of races back home...gone. Due to a random decision that was made in the early morning where I was out voted.
...and now we are at a new mechanic looking for this new filter, but it seems to me they are also saying there's bo problem.
If this isn'te the universe sending signs saying this was a poor travel decision, I don't know what is.
Frustrated but trying to get over it,
Happy Hump Day
While the boys napped...![Uploading file...]()
I needed some directions, so I pulled over and asked a local...![Uploading file...]()
In other words...I TOUCHED A CAMEL!!!!!![Uploading file...]()
Happy Days, Apes
Advice for the future runners...
Stay in the south as long as possible...
The North is cold and full of dust.
Local Hospitality
On our very early leave out of Mumbai, we caught the sun coming up over the already awake city.. and it was gorgeous! 
We decided to detour and see the Sanjay Ghandi Natonal Park, but once there we realized we had no idea how to get inside. So instead, we pulled off for some photos in a local town...and then the locals came out.
A lovely elderly man (carried himself like the mayor of town) offered us chai at the nearest shop. Being new chai tea enthusiasts, we all went along accordingly. Once in the shop, he led me to the kitchen to pick out food for us while we sat with our chai. While waiting for the food, we had a local photo shoot, which was to be expected...then the food came. Bread rolls, deep fried potato balls, onion pakoda, and a delicious green sauce to dip it in. As you can see by the photo, the man was quite keen for photos while Tom was much more engrossed in the food. ![Uploading file...]()
After the meal (and politely refusing second and third helpings) we were invited for whiskey and beedees (cigarettes) but unfortunately had to get on the road.
We tried to pay, but in true hospitable form, they wouldn't take our rupees. They did however accept out South African Rand as a souveneir of our visit.
What great hospitality from a tiny little town north on Mumbai.
Illegal Manuevers
Just gunned it onto a Mumbai highway infront of the "rickshaws not allowed" sign.....with cops watching.
So, there's a chance we have cops folloing us on a "low speed chase" but we are too afraid to look.
Mumbai Rickshaws allowed
We've been kicked off the new highway twice now...
1st = a few km in, cops drove up to us and made us turn around, going the OPPOSITE way of traffic.
2nd = snuck back on, then got stopped at the toll. Police made us turn around, but all the toll workers wanted there was a little bit of a traffic jam there...
Let's see if we end up on the highway anymore today..
3 Buds from 3 cities on 1 epic adventure.