Team celtic cruisaders

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Matthew Hawkins

were men,,,,,,, were men in tights,,,,,,, we rome around the forest looking for fights

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David Sawyer

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<p><font color="#ffffff" size="4">Hi there sports fans we are team celtic cruisaders and the team is made up of two idiots, me~ Matt Hawkins and my good pal David Sawyer, we are taking part in the 2010 mongol rally to raise money and awareness for&nbsp; two charity's that make a big difference to young childrens lives, the name's of the charity's are <u><em><strong>CLIC SARGENT</strong></em></u> and the <u><em><strong>CHRISTINA NOBLE CHILDRENS FOUNDATION. </strong></em></u>The Rally itself is going to be completed in a 1.3L hatchback that was designed and built to take you down the shops to get your milk and bread, not for driving thousands of miles through deserts, rivers, mountain passes and across continents. We are also completly on our own with no back up support at all just a 12volt kettle to keep us alive and maybe a pot noodle or two, so <u><em><strong>please please please</strong></em></u> donate just a small amount to each charity to make it worth doing. </font></p><p><font color="#ffffff"></font></p><p align="center">&nbsp;<img height="117" src="images/gallery09/22186/400x400.jpeg" width="144" /><img height="103" src="images/gallery09/22185/400x400.jpeg" width="194" /></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><font color="#ffffff" size="4">CLIC SARGENT&nbsp;provide resources and care for children and young people that have cancer, apart from providing medication and accomadation for the&nbsp;children and&nbsp;young people&nbsp;with the disease they also provide support for the families,like grants, holidays and helplines. CLIC services will help support the child and family in every single way.This is a massivley important charity so all donations would be much appreciated,we are also looking for companies to sponsor us, in return we will be advertising your company on the vehicle and through all media contact so to make a donation or if you&nbsp;would like to contact me to discuss sponsorship please contact me and Dave at, <em><u><strong>[email protected]</strong></u></em> or by phone on 07886545768, To make a donation to our charities please click on the <u><em><strong>JUST GIVING</strong></em></u> boxes that are displayed on this page and the money will go straight to the charity, all payments are completley safe and secure. </font></p><p><font color="#ffffff" size="4">Thank you for your time, Matt &amp; Dave</font></p><p><font color="#ffffff" size="4">CELTIC CRUISADERS. </font></p>