Team Chapati Flour Power

Jaisalmer, India

Finito, done & definitely dusted....or covered in crap, whatever you want 2 call it, we hav arrived at the finish line!There were times we thought we might not get here but driving into the sunset with a mystical fort infront of us Jaisalmer welcomed the powers & valentina in style. Rickshaw run done!

Sunil Makwana

Load Sunil

Benjamin Petrucci

Load Benjamin

Robert Dunbar

Since my travels in my early 20's I've been stuck behind a desk with that "there must be something more interesting and challenging out there" bug. Recent expeditions have been limited to weekend stag breaks in themselves a minefield of disasterous opportunity and boarding trips where the most challenging element is to not fall off a cliff....Thus I came to the conclusion this was good grounding for this lil fella as there will be ample opportunity for the Flour Power tuk to career of the road into a market stall or over sized pothole. This will also be an opportunity to prove to those doubters that I can survive in the real this space.

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Colin McKeen

woefully ill-prepared.

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<p>What everyone always asks of great triumphs is how they got there, what brought them to be highlighted on the world stage, to be household names, what my friends is the story behind the legend?</p><p>For &quot;the Powers&quot; as they like to be known for short the story started early in a new decade. While people were nursing hangovers the process to find the legends had already begun and 2010 would be their time. This formidable team has been whittled down to the three select individuals you will come to know and love while reading about our Indian adventure. The selection process was long complex and more drawn out than a Dermot O'Leary X factor results pause! The whittling criteria was so intense that we have already been approached by Oxford and Cambridge for the opportunity to use an abridged version for their autumn 2012 candidate selection.&nbsp;</p><p>We took a group of Leeds graduates and compadres, circa 2000, renowned in the circles that count to be part of the best year the university has produced and set them a number of challenges. Those tasks ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous in order to ensure we had extreme adventurers fit for the job. Like the SAS we can not give away our secretive selection process but I can confirm it did include such classics as taking on your boss to get time away from your desk and begrudgingly asking loved ones, wags and protective mothers if they could release you from the swaddling to escape the mundane. Some fell at the first hurdle and even those who were their own boss struggled to tackle the inner demons of sanity but that only made the process easier. We have come to the end of that process and before you stand three individuals that can take on anything that is thrown at them. Between them they have years of adventuring experience and one key fundamental characteristic in common that sets them aside from the pack. A complete and total lack of organisational ability, paired with a cluelessness of grasping the challenge and complexity of the task ahead that will see them shine through. Because as a great man once said &quot;What you don't know can't hurt you!&quot; </p><p>As I'm sure you can understand that combination of availability and parental consent makes an explosive formula which bore the fruit that became team Chapati Flour Power.</p><p>&nbsp;And so we begin......... </p>