Team Cheshire Cat

Seppo Enarvi
Of Cheshire Cat
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016


Breakdown #2: Gear wire snapped and we did not have spare. Luckily a mob of 30 guys soon gathered. One guy handled exchanging 500 rupee note to smaller once. Second guy went to get new wire for 10 rupees and also brought a third guy who installed it for 30 rupees. Fourth guy brought me a cucumber for snack and fifth guy (security guard) did some crowd control every now and then because there was 30+ people hanging around. ![file](//

Seppo Enarvi
Of Cheshire Cat
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016


The lazy days for the Cat are over. Today we took it to serpentine roads over mountains and made some doughnuts ("paskarinki") at the top. We found really good strawberries at the highlands and with them made friends with a pack of monkeys. ![file](//

Seppo Enarvi
Of Cheshire Cat
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016


Drove the whole day and asked for a room when it was getting dark. This guy told us his hotel is not ready but we can stay one night for free. We got matresses in the shithole, drank beer with the "don", and heard epic stories involving a Dubai princess, his connections to police and mafia, and a three-headed cobra he had seen an managed to snap a picture. ![Uploading file...]()

Seppo Enarvi
Of Cheshire Cat
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016


After the Cat lost a humiliating drag race in Goa, we took it to a garage. Loose tire bolts were tightened and all sorts of magic were performed by a local, after which the noises are gone and the Cat has a beautiful purr and works like a charm again. Now the team has moved to a remote beach of Shiroda.![file](// ![file](//

Seppo Enarvi
Of Cheshire Cat
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

Malpe Beach

The Cat is still going strong, regardless of driving off the road once and occasional axle noises. We have gained a few positions, meaning that we're not the last anymore. We have also recorded a new top speed, 60 km/h, on a very long downhill. ![Uploading file...]()[gallery] Drag and drop images you wish to upload within these gallery tags. [/gallery]

Seppo Enarvi
Of Cheshire Cat
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016


Taking smaller roads. We have some mechanical problems, maybe the axle failing after hitting a pot hole. The next days will be crucial - Can we find a repair shop that is open on Sunday? Will the Cat make it to Goa on time for the pit stop party? Is the chicken biryani coming outta both ends tomorrow? ![file](// [gallery] Drag and drop images you wish to upload within these gallery tags. [/gallery] [gallery] Drag and drop images you wish to upload within these gallery tags. [/gallery]![file](//




Seppo, Riku, and Jemina - three cats from Helsinki, Finland.