Team Orange B-Apes

Lieke Hamers
Of Orange B-Apes
On the Rickshaw Run South East Asia 2012 (October)

Medan, Indonesia

Game over for team Orange B-Apes! Unfortunately we cannot make it to Medan ourselves due to all the delays we had repairing our bemo. Yesterday we put our beastie on transport in Jakarta to Medan en we flew in there. We were glad we spent the last 3 days driving from Yogya to Jakarta in a beautiful scenery. We met some extraordinary people who turned out real guardian angels, especially Yudo, Adid and Luci! The visit to COP, the centre for orangutan protection was splendid and it makes us so proud of our charity: the orangutan in Sumatra! Now it's time to enjoy these apes for real... Our next stop: Bukit Lawang!

Lieke Hamers
Of Orange B-Apes
On the Rickshaw Run South East Asia 2012 (October)

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

did you know that solo equals loco in Sumatra? If you are travelling alone, especially women (so we Orange B-Apes are screwed) you'll confuse the moustaches off Sumatrans. The West's appreciation of solo survival doesn't have a counterpart in Sumatran culture. And a woman with no male escort makes about as much sense as wearing a hot-dog costume. So anyone any ideas? Perhaps it's time to grow a moustache :-)

Lieke Hamers
Of Orange B-Apes
On the Rickshaw Run South East Asia 2012 (October)

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

enjoying beers with Rick & Rob in a nice balinese villa hotel, what else should you do waiting for spare parts ;-)? Found some nice local people who speak very well english and are willing to help without trying to rip you off. Hopefully we have some good news about the spare parts tomorrow. In the meantime we go and enjoy the Borobodur and meet people of the Orangutan Conservation Program! We are back in relax mode after our horrible days in East Java. Cheers to ya all!


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Joris van Kampen

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