Team Chris Cairn’s Fudgers

Nick Steevens
Of Chris Cairn’s Fudgers
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

Day 2

Our first full day on the road was brilliant. While we didn't cover a huge distance (approximately 140km's), we encountered so many lovely people! We also had our first breakdown which rather conveniently happened literally right outside a mechanics workshop. After being surrounded by about 40 Indians (mainly beautiful kids), and taking many selfies with them (at their request) we identified the problem. We had blown a wheel bearing. The friendly mechanic had the wheel fixed in no time, refusing to be paid anything more than 100 rupees. All the wheel bearing parts totaled 450 rupees, so it ended up being a very cheap fix!

Our accommodation ended up being top notch this night - a cliff top beach resort. We arrived in time to watch the sun set over the ocean. Stunning! ![Uploading file...]()![Uploading file...]()![Uploading file...]()![Uploading file...]()


