Team Colin Andes Daughter



colin bradbury

Load colin

<p>Thanks for viewing our site.</p><p>&nbsp;Yes I know we must stark raving mad to attempt this hideous rally. 4000 long kms in a little more than a pram with an engine. Whose crazy idea was this? You've got it my daft gorgeous daughter Gayle.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; For those of you who don't know us, Colin is a grumpy old man of 60plus and Gayle is a Blonde 30odd ( slightly dizzy but good fun). We did the Rickshaw Rally 2 years ago and really enjoyed that so thought we might give this one ago. Although it does sound a little bit more scary and mad.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; Hope you enjoy looking at the web pages and we'll try and keep you updated with events before, during and hopefully after this mad adventure.</p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Yours Colin and Gayle</p>