Finished! And then we crashed.
Crossed the line in a blaze of glory! Proceeded to do doughnuts and flip our rickshaw! Did more damage to Pupali in the last 2 hours then we did the entire race.
Finished! And then we crashed.
Crossed the line in a blaze of glory! Proceeded to do doughnuts and flip our rickshaw! Did more damage to Pupali in the last 2 hours then we did the entire race.
Finish line...tomorrow
Left late and paid for it by driving at night and in the rain. Apparently it's a good omen ornso I'm told. Hit a few speed bumps at 40+ so that was nice. Decided to say hell with it and check in at the finish line in the am, not like it's a race anyway.
Gonna just pass through
Great night in Udaipur, got in easycto Johdpur after an amazing road filled with monkeys, twists and great flat top. Early morning start to hit Jaisalmer for a desert trip.
Mad dash to Udaipur and going to try and enjoy it
Spending the day here and going to enjoy the lakes. Pupali had some issues this morning, she's holding it together, barely...
400km Day
Decided to rough it and try to get to udipur early, Ganesh is punishing us for abusing our rickshaw by making us sleep in a roadside sketchy hotel
Now for the other half
They said Mumbai couldn't be done, it shouldn't be done, so of course we did it. Paid the price by getting stuck in heavy traffic when trying to leave. 2 more hours of night driving for us again. We are getting good at it.
Break failure! Ran Pupali into a gravel mound at 35 kph. Few bumps and bruises but no one died!
Slow start but enjoying the vibe here

Arrived last night, think we might stay here minute.
Good day of driving. Pupali performing like a champ. Took her off roadig a bit and Managed to break our 4th electronic on the trip. The days can only get better.