Team Donde esta Ayabaca?

rhys maddock

Load rhys

Amber Johnston-Billings

Load Amber

<p>Peru!!!!! Our Adventure has begun!</p><p>Well we have started planning and wanted to post how it all started.</p><p>It all began when we had a quick chat about maybe doing the Rickshaw Rally in India. However upon calling The Adventurists in London we were disappointed to discover that the race for winter 2012 was full... sadly we hung up the phone, our anticipation for an awesome holiday/adventure slowly draining away. Within about 2 seconds though, we perked up, Peru was still available!!! Rhys basically turned to me and said &quot;Peru?&quot; and nodding an emphatic yes we dialled London back immediately and that was the beginning of the journey. </p><p>Next stop a map to find out where exactly where we were going and what we were doing...Hence the name &quot;Donde Esta Ayabaca&quot; Upon discovery the joyful exclamations were something like... &quot;Gee.. we are almost crossing the whole country!! This is going to be amazing&quot; And now here we are, planning a spontaneous trip across Peru in a vehicle described as<em>&quot; the smallest, least practical vehicle on the south American continent&quot;</em></p><p>Since then we have progressed to buying some very very round about flights (turns out Lima is almost the furthest away place you can purchase a flight when you live in Perth Australia??), and we are now beginning a vague foray into such details as travel insurance, figuring out this website, making in roads in rattling tins to secure donations and generally just smiling at the thought of driving a mototaxi across the Andes!!</p><p>As the website says:</p><p><em>&quot;There's no guarantee of making it to the finish line and no back-up. It's just you, two glorious weeks, the worst machine ever invented and thousands of miles of one of the greatest adventures in the world&quot;</em></p><p>We will keep you posted :) </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p>