Team Drama Llamas

Nick Brackenbury
Of Drama Llamas
On the Mototaxi Junket 2012 (September)

Chalhuanca District, Peru

Waiting all day to get our engine fixed we worked out a way to adjust for Peruvian travel time estimates. Add together the two parts of the estimate, so "it'll take 30-45 mins" is actually 75 mins, then multiply by the locals' description of the road quality: Very good=2. Good=3. Bad/road not on map=10+ Hey presto, you have your likely travel time!

Nick Brackenbury
Of Drama Llamas
On the Mototaxi Junket 2012 (September)

Cabana District, Peru

Tagged the 4200m mark several times yesterday, then spent the night driving through utterly rubbish mountain roads to find a truck driver, after Missing Peoples clutch went at about 7pm in the middle of nowhere. Local priest found us a pickup truck, drove for an hour and a half to pick up the buggered Mototaxi, fed us, and put us up for the night. And wont take any money for it. Incredible.

Nick Brackenbury
Of Drama Llamas
On the Mototaxi Junket 2012 (September)

Cajamarca Region, Peru

Over 24 hours on dirt tracks (that apparently are main roads) and passing the 4000m mark has left our mototaxi with a fuel tank that covers the driver in petrol over bumps, several lights that don't work, and a tendency to veer heavily to the right under braking. All things considered, faring really quite well. Praying for some tarmac today.


Strengths: Unlimited enthusiasm, navigating, going forwards.

Weaknesses: Unlimited enthusiasm, navigating to a particular destination, turning.

Stephanie Ishigami

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