Pyongyang, North Korea
oops i think we took a wrong turning some where!!!
Pyongyang, North Korea
oops i think we took a wrong turning some where!!!
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
10664 miles to the finish line 53 team in!
Govi-Altai, Mongolia
10150 miles and not out!
Novosibirsk Oblast, Russia
Potentially Jon's best story of the trip!
Omsk Oblast, Russia
glad to be out of crappy kazakstan, after a 14hr drive.
Astana, Kazakhstan
Almost came to an end today by simply running out of fuel. In Astana in a nice hotel. Driving back to Russia tomorrow, hopefully the roads have less pot holes...
Chelyabinsk Oblast, Russia
Stuck in yet another traffic jam.
Vladimir Oblast, Russia
Just saw fake Lenin. The Russia has the worst traffic. Good thing we don't have 1000s of miles to go.
Saint Petersburg, Russia
drinking vodka
Pskov Oblast, Russia
5 hour border cross complete! It was harder to get out of Estonia than into Russia. Come at us St Peterburg.
A Visionary who commands almost God like status
The hand someone of the group and the man with the plan.
Ill find away to fix something or get us somewhere, (pigeons instinct).
Works with oil and fish