Team Dodds Coach Tours

SMS Update

Day 8 Varanasi - The boat trip up the ganges to see the Ghats last night was fantastic. We visited the funeral ghat where Hindu men burn their family when they die. When we were there there were six lit fires on the waters edge and roof; one was started when we were there by the son of the father who died. The body is placed in the middle of the branch coffin with kindling below. The skull and hip don't burn to ash and therefore whats left of them gets lobbed into the river. Nice. All very interesting. We left Varanasi in a 4 tuk convoy at 4am this morning and were guided to the side of town by 'cabbie' our varanasi 'fixer'. Within two hours we were down to only two tuks due to Sticky Bandits and No Stress having mechanical faliures. Shillong Fairwell (Douglas, Gerard) and Dodds Tuk Tours are 100km short of Jabalpur. We'll just be over half way when we get there. We're considering a full engine overhaul when we get to Jabalpur. All the air cooled engines are struggling in the heat. 40kmph max at the moment to try and not get the engine too ** some text is missing **

SMS Update

The moustache on the 'bonnet' of Dodds Tuk Tours is holding up well which is more that can be said the mechanics of the beast. Dinner for six in Darjeeling cost £1.10 last night and a fine feast it was. The view from Tiger Hill looks fantastic... on the post card. Thick mist at 4.30am this morning meant we could barely see each other on reaching the viewing point.. 150 toothpastes have been ejected from our tuk in the direction of kids who look like they could do with a good brush. Next stop Patna for Irn Bru and a Sausage Supper. Stu and Drew aka Dodds Tuk Tours. @

Stuart Dodds

Stu and Andrew Dodds

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Andrew Dodds

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