Team Dotty and the Dice

Laura Byng
Of Dotty and the Dice
On the The Mongol Rally 2011

Govi-Altai, Mongolia

just when Dotty thought she had enough of a battering...hit a hole and the roof box flew off landing on the windscreen cracking it...hit another hole and the bonnet is no longer attached...both are now stuck on with gaffa tape! Hit a massive rock and the exhaust is now making an impressive noise. The team we are with have also lost their entire exhaust. Also had a flat tyre to add to the mix. Average speed 18mph. Hotel tonight as we are all filthy!

Laura Byng

Load Laura

cherylanne saywell

hmmmm .... Aussie doing the essential european trip.... desperate for that bit of adventure... bring it on :)

read more... Load cherylanne

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