Team down under crew

down under crew haven't posted any updates yet.





Where we are going?

The entire length of India. Top to bottom. Plus a bit more.

Start in the far north east in Shillong, capital of Meghalaya; one of the last places on earth where the ladies are traditionally in charge (a matrilineal society). It's tucked up way beyond Bangladesh in the hills so hardly anyone ever gets up this way - perfect for launching a Rickshaw Run then.

Head north via the shitty road to Guwuhati then stop in to the Himalayan foothills, have a cup of tea in Darjeeling or go the really long way round through Nepal. Onwards towards Bihar: don't talk to strangers with guns or masks here or you could find yourself butt naked on the side of the road with nothing left except your scuppered hopes and dreams.

Next bit - the whole of the rest of India. Swing south and keep the sunset vaguely on your right hand side and you can't go wrong. Finish up with a jaunt over the Western Ghats and arrive smelling like shit and covered in dirt at the finish line on the Keralan coast. Top to bottom. Done.