Team Dropbears Inc.

Paul Tiley
Of Dropbears Inc.
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Astana, Kazakhstan

Hi All,

 Wow we are at the 2 thirds mark now, Mongolia is only a few days drive away.  Kaz has been unreal, people are so friendly and helpful.  Everytime we stop at a supermarket, fuel stop or anywhere public people flock to us.  People in Kaz ask about who we are where we are from, most have limted english, but want to wish us well.  The Police in kaz are little more friendly than russia.  We were stopped yesterday during the day by7 police just to tell us that our lights were not on (it was day time).  We are off to Semi, lets see what the Russian boarder has instore for us this time.

Paul Tiley
Of Dropbears Inc.
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Bavaria, Germany

Hello everyone. We drove across germany today, got to love the auto barns. We have been site seeing around munich and tonight we are stay at my friends house in munich. Sleep in tomorrow then off to prague. There is a party in prague for all the teams, it is called the czechout party. Jeff and i have enjoyed germany. Great places, nice people, great food, good beer and 1L glasses for the beer at the bar@

Jeff Hancock
Of Dropbears Inc.
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

1 week till start..

So Paul and I have landed in the UK from our long journey from Australia. We took a 6 hour flight to Kuala Lumpur with a very uncomfortable 4 hour stopover.. then a 12.5hour flight to London's Heathrow.


Before even making it to our temp accomodation we met and get cheap drinks from the local pub owner in Putney before going to the flat with our aussie friend Kylie... 


Then we say it.. 1.2L of muscle and brawn!!!! our little fiat bravo... ROCKY!!  *que the music*


Found our the he has a little power steering pump leak that squirts fluid onto the exhaust.. makes a bit of noise and alot of smoke.. so thats still got to be addressed.. Apart from the power steering.. a wheel allignment and a top of of fluids we're set to go.


We're doing all our final shopping and camping prep.. which everyone else has had months to do. Disadvantage of being on the other side of the world is you cant bring alot with you on the plane. I did manage to squeeze a 8kg tool box into our alloted 50kg of baggage. Saved us about 250pound worth of tools.


This is sort of a 2nd donation as i was able to squeeze alot of tools in to donate with the car at the end of the trip.


Meet and greet organise by Laura (self proclaimed the queen of the rally) at george's inn at London Bridge was epic good fun. Good use of the "Build a Cheap Rally Car" book helped us find the party group. Most teams are in agreement that Paul and Myself are crazy for undertaking this rally and organise it from the other side of the world.. but also do it all in under 2.5 months.

Going to head out today and buy some paint and other materials to paint our car in war paint. Should look pretty epic driving through london all painted up.. :D

Looking forward to the launch next week.. 


Jeff - Dropbears Inc.

Jeff Hancock

Im Jeff,

My teammate is my long time buddy Paulie.

We both hail from Gold Coast, Australia.

This is our madden voyage into europe and we thought we'd do it in style. We're both picking up and leaving our sucessful careers to have some fun and try our hand at adventure.

Hope to sharing some crazy times, drinks, jokes, road side repairs and all out hilarity.

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Paul Tiley

I Love a challenge and I love adventure!!!

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<p>Welcome to the Dropbears Inc Mongol Rally Page. </p><p><img height="169" src="images/gallery09/35454/400x400.jpeg" width="164" />&nbsp;&nbsp; <img height="169" src="images/gallery09/35453/400x400.jpeg" width="188" />&nbsp; <img height="169" src="images/gallery09/35455/400x400.jpeg" width="169" /></p><p>&nbsp;(Dropbear Artist Rendering)&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; (Actual DropBear aka Koala)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (How Dropbear's Hunt) </p><p>This website will cover the extensive travels of Jeff and Paulie throughout our Mongol Rally Adventure.</p><p>We'll be starting off from the sunny Gold Coast of Australia before we even make it to the starting location, Goodwood in the UK. From there, its only an 16,000km journey through 11 countries to the finish line in UlaanBaatar in Mongolia.</p><p>So far we're planning to hit the following countries:</p><p>UK, France, Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Kazahkstan, Mongolia </p><p>Along the way we're hoping to meet alot of people, spread our Aussie cheer, see some amazing places and make some life time friends.&nbsp; </p><p>-DropBears Inc.</p>