Team Dude, where's my cow?




Gidday all,

We’re a team of 3 kiwi’s participating in the Rickshaw Run in India this August. Now, you might be asking what on earth we might be doing with a rickshaw, in India, in the unrelenting August heat... and that’s probably a fair question. We’re not entirely sure we even know what we’re in for.
(Note to Mum’s: please skip to the charity part further down as this paragraph may scare you).
Essentially it’s a 3500km Indian adventure in a 7 horse powered, unstable, glorified lawn mower - It’s not very fast, it smells, it falls over around corners, breaks down more often than an emo teenager and after a day of driving it’ll feel like we’ve been kicked in the ass by an elephant.
Essentially, it’s not a very good idea.
We’ll be provided with a rickshaw, a start date/location (August 14th in Kochi) and an end date/location (August 27th in Jasalmer).
Then we’re on our own.. No set route and no way of knowing if we’ll make the finish line.
We’ll have a tracker, so you can follow our progress. Or lack of it.

Now, you’re probably asking why? Which is another great question;

We get to choose an awesome charity to fundraise for! Our pick is The Child Cancer Foundation who ensure children and their families are supported, informed and well cared for on their journey with cancer. Our aim is to raise $2,000 + for the Central/Nelson/Lower North Island branch.

We are also required to raise $1000 for Cool Earth which is a charity selected by race organisers ‘The Adventurists’. Cool Earth works alongside indigenous communities to halt rainforest destruction in the Amazon, Congo basin and Papua New Guinea. This charity only protects rainforest that without intervention will be destroyed within 18 months. Now we’re pretty sure you’d agree that the world would be a bit shit without rainforests, they’re indescribably excellent things!

Plus it will be immensely fun in a crazy, whacky, life changing experience kind of way.

Ok, phew, that’s the how’s, where’s and why’s out of the way. Now, I guess we should also mention that we will be ‘pimping’ our rickshaw out for this journey. Following the realisation that cows are to be avoided at all costs on the streets of India as they are sacred.. We naturally figured that if we decorated our 3 wheeled machine as a harmless dairy cow then we’ll command full respect on India’s chaotic streets. Makes sense right? We think it’s worth a shot. Hence, we are named “Dude where’s my cow?”
We believe it’s an appropriate name as we will undoubtedly be… A Very Lost Cow.

So let’s introduce the team:

With the uncanny ability to put a smile on anyone’s face and remain positive in less-than-ideal situations (of which we’re sure there will be many on this trip), Rachel has been put in charge of negotiation and provider of great comedy. Extremely cool under pressure, the team has faith in Rachel to convince, sweet talk, laugh and smile her way out of the situations that she has very likely directed us into in the first place. She is also extremely knowledgeable about Social Media and all things gadgety so has therefore undertaken the enormous responsibility of presidency and chief adventure blogger.
p.s. Her lack of experience with anything spicy will undoubtedly provide daily entertainment for her fellow team members.

Having recently completed her 500hr Yoga Training high in the Indian Himalaya’s, Franki will be well versed in all things Yoga, Meditation and Tea. Hence she will be tasked with ensuring the team is well stretched, enlightened and hydrated.
In addition to this, her experience in logistics and planning in adventure tourism combined with her supreme cooking skills should in theory help get the Cow to the finish line on time, and her team mates full of exotic curries, spices and rices.
p.s. We might also add that Franki will be trusted with not, in fact, losing our Cow.

After battling over several thousand kilometres of terrain through Central Asia and the Americas on a bicycle and child cancer at the age of 12, Warrick seems to think that covering a mere 3,500 kilometres through the wop-wops of India with an engine will be a piece a’ piss. Just kidding; Warrick is in a slight pickle having no experience with mechanics of any sort and yet being trusted to fulfil his traditional ‘male role’ as the team grease monkey. Responsible for keeping the team somewhat on track, Wazza will have to brush up on his, currently dodgy ‘asking for directions’ skills.
p.s. Has Wazza ever travelled with two spice sensitive, strong-willed and mechanically challenged lasses before? No. Is he a little in over his head? We think he’s the bees knee’s but we’ll have to wait and find out won’t we.


Please help us help our charities and reach our goal by giving whatever you can by clicking on either of the links below. The more people that know about Child Cancer Foundation and Cool Earth, the greater their impact, so please also spread the word by sharing my page with your friends and family.
Child Cancer Foundation - Central:

Cool Earth:

Get stuck in folks! Thank you in advance for your generosity, it means a lot!

We look forward to sharing our journey with you...