Team DustRoadTukkers

Harry Williams
Of DustRoadTukkers
On the The Rickshaw Run 2014 (April)

Eventually arrived!

Eventually arrived! 14hrs, 2 planes, 4 sleeping pills and 1 incredibly annoying little kid later.. Little brat wouldn't stop kicking my seat the entire way, much to Jordan's amusement, until he fell asleep leaving me to browse through Sri Lankan airways' choice of music and films on my own, that was until I broke yet another set of earphones... After collecting our bags surprisingly quickly we then found ourselves completely on our own at Kochi airport with no idea how to get to the hotel, we then proceeded to ask whoever looked least scary and most likely to speak English we figured out that the taxi service in the airport is stupid and so we got the bus.. Which took what felt like hours, but I guess it gave us a chance to take in the fact we were actually in India! Once we were pretty convinced we were lost and it was getting dark we spotted the smallest signpost to our hotel possible, so got off the bus, which was marvellously air conditioned, but we only realised this when we stepped off into what felt like a very humid oven. But here we are, sitting in our hotel room, with water, wifi and a bed, just need to find some food now....



18 - Winchester - England - Bloke - Ready to tear India a new one!