Team Dylan Delahunt (DD)

Dylan Delahunt (DD) hasn't posted any updates yet.


Wide open spaces and quirky challenges can mostly be blamed for my wanderings. I try to keep the common thread of cattle and farming in what I do and before these last few months in Sweden our home was a 20000ha game and cattle farm where our working partners were boerperd horses. I also feel very at home on the water and spent a year sailing and living on dhows along the Tanzanian coast. I experienced the life of an ambulance medic for a year and grew up as a boy scout but hope not to have to rely on any of those skills on this trip.
As far as horses go I involve them when I can and have worked with racing stud to cutting cattle in South Dakota to leading trails through the Namib on desert ponies we backed ourselves.
I have had the derby in my sights for a few years now and with luck, spontaneity, and the adventurists bending over backwards, I entered just 5 weeks ago for the ride of a lifetime!

Originally from South Africa, Dylan currently calls California home, where he resides with his partner Stevie. A man of many talents and comfortable in environments both terrestrial and aqueous, Dylan has supplied his equine expertise for the film and media industries, competed in the 2013 Mongol Derby, and was instrumental in founding The Adventurists’ Kraken Cup (“The World’s Greatest Sailing Race”). Dylan will be keeping pace with Stevie in the Gaucho Derby.