Made it to Jaisalmer!!

Made it to Jaisalmer!!
Ready to go!!
Our day in Barmer ended with a very interesting (vocal) yoga class..! We're packing our bags again to make our final trip in the morning!
Due to a small miscalculation in our itinerary, we arrived a day early in Barmer.. The finish line in Jaisalmer is only a 150 km away and we still have 1 day left. So today we are having a relaxed GTL day. (Gym-Tan-Laundry)
We also decided to do some sightseeing in the charming town Barmer by rickshaw. Driving into the center wasn't our best idea though :)
Today we entered Rajasthan, the state of our end destination already. Like a few other teams we've found a humble place to stay in desert town Barmer. Unfortunately the swimming pool is under maintenance (or just empty)
Yesterday we drove on dusty roads the whole morning, but found the salt flats of Little Rann. Afterwards we reached our end destination just before dark, stayed in the worst hotel we've been in so far, in Sanchore, Rajasthan.
Today's plan will be some temple hopping on our way to Barmer.
We're about to leave the farm after a great breakfast and some interior-shopping for our rickshie.
Teaming up with the New Yorkers we're gonna enter the desert, hoping to see some salt-flats (all tours in this area use 4-wheel drives ;))
Summary of day 10:
We arrived in Ahmedabad last night after our third breakdown which was as easily fixed as always (by a crowd of people). We spend the morning in the city before we drove off to the desert area of Gujarat called little Rann of Kuchch. We are staying at a very nice and quiet farm-resort, sleeping in a modern version of a traditional Kuchch mud-hut.
In a nearby village we suddenly came across a Hindu temple in complete Disney World style. We were held up for ages by all these kids wanting selfies with us.
Not long after leaving Champaner, we noticed that we (again) were driving on a highway where rickshaws are not allowed. Luckily the highway patrol was so kind to show us a sneak route, so we could leave without being noticed. At the first toll plaza on the right highway, we faced our next breakdown. Immediately we were surrounded by lots of people who started to push and pull on all parts of the rickshaw, but surprisingly it started again after a few minutes. However, after 2 minutes of driving the enthousiasm changed in disappointment. A new group of people came to help us. They changed the spark plug and we continued our way to Ahmedabad, where a streetdog took over our rickshaw to catch some sleep.
Although we got used to the crazy traffic and adapted the Indian driving style, driving here never gets boring.
Neither does being famous.
Champaner's mosques
We are two high intelligent, high adventurous & (about to be) very mechanical girls. We are excited to hit the road with our rickshaw and are planning to keep up the pace and make the finish line in time!