Greater London, UK
Great to be home, eventually after a nightmare trying to get out of UB! 4 weeks of driving vs. a 10hr flight? I'd take the drive anyday...
Greater London, UK
Great to be home, eventually after a nightmare trying to get out of UB! 4 weeks of driving vs. a 10hr flight? I'd take the drive anyday...
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Stuck in Ulaanbaatar having had our flights tickets cancelled without warning!
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
We made it! The last 500k done without rear suspension and a puncture. One of the most amazing experiences we have ever had. A massive thank you to all our sponsors who together with the proceeds of selling Terry, have helped us raise over £5k!!!!@
Govi-Altai, Mongolia
We have made it half way through Mongolia! We have crossed mountains, rivers, deserts and steppe, encountered camels, countless breakdowns, endless mosquitos and days without water and petrol, but the Mongolian landscape (and Terry) just keeps on giving!
Bayan Olgii, Mongolia
Driving into Mongolia is like driving onto the moon. This has to be the most humbling landscape we have ever encountered. Snowcapped mountains, deserted valleys, clear blue lakes and views that stretch for miles without a single human in sight. We arrived! Terry loves the dirt...
Biysk, Russia
Camped with the bears in the Altaj Mountains next to a white-water mountain river. Every night we are found by friendly Russians feeding us soup, fish and lots of vodka. 400k to the Mongolian border and a chance to sober up.
Sverdlovskaya oblast, Russia
Respublika Bashkortostan, Russia
Saratov Oblast, Russia
After a hectic truckers road from Volgograd we reach Saratov under darkness and spend 3hrs trying to find a bed for the night. We need showers and a couple of hours sleep before trying to cross into Kazakhstan tomorrow. No roads, fuel shortages, bribes and adventure lies ahead@
Volgogradskaya oblast, Russia
Awesome day and night with Russian locals, a couple of other teams and some Vodka. Took the morning off driving to see the battle memorials with our local friends@
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