Team Fifty Shades of Brown


The first blog from Fifty shades of Brown. . . (Ive never written a blog before in my life so bare with me!)

After a few days organising I now have everything I need for a month packed into a simple backpack, loo roll on top and underwear at the bottom!

Scary to think that in a few days we will be in the air thrashing it to Delhi, then on to Kathmandu where we will do some touristy mojo before hitting up Shillong for the start of the RICKSHAW RUN!!! We literally have no idea what to expect which is kind of the. way to do a trip like this, minimal planning and lots of dioralyte

We do aim to make as much money as possible for our charity cool earth so please spare a few coins for the needy students that we are! - (

Alexander Turner

Load Alexander

Matt Brushwood

Load Matt


We always carry wet wipes


Saving the rain forests .....
