Team Flaming hedgehog

james barry
Of Flaming hedgehog
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

London Baby!

Well, just to let everyone know that we have the first few 100 miles under our belt and have arrived in London from Newcastle in one piece. Tomorrow is the official start down in Goodwood racing circuit. We can't wait for it now. Nearly there after all the hard work of organising it comes the hard work of trying to get to Mongolia! Wish us luck. Signing out for now, Mark and Jerry 

james barry
Of Flaming hedgehog
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Quick Thanks

Just a quick word to say "thank you" to some of our major sponsors: K Lydiatt and Co., Kitchen Excel, Castrol oil, BP, and the Numast Union.

All your donations are greatly appreciated and will go along way to improving the lives of the children of the CYPPD foundation and helping the extraordinary efforts of the RNLI around our coastline.

This is us signing off from Newcastle as we make our way down to London this evening and the begining of our epic journey.

james barry
Of Flaming hedgehog
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Our sick baby!

Well in short she sprung a leak. As we ran from the shopping centre trying to avoide the down pour of rain we noticed a rainbow shine on the pools of water around the car and laughed as we thought it was coming from the wreck that was parcked next to us. Later that night when we went out to the car we noticed a stream of rainbow colured water running down the driveway. Bugger! It was our poor little baby. After a quick inspection we saw it was the sump and it had a whole in the top of it but we had to meet a reporter from the newspaper in the other side of town along with the crew from Sunderland RNLI for a photo shoot. Do we risk it? "She'll be right mate" so off we went hoping we didn't destroy our baby, stopping along the way to check the oil level. We made it there and back and patched it up with some liquid metal later that night.

Yesterday was then spent trying to source a new sump, oil and sealant. Everything seems to take 2 - 3 days to deliver in this country but after a long day ringing breakers yards, dealers, local garages, ebay, gumtree and friends we managed to source them last night and now our baby is getting mended this morning and all going well will be back to full heath by lunch time. At least the sump corroded away to nothing and went now and not in the middle of tim-buck-two. Panic stations over and we are back on track for the rally on Saturday.

james barry

Hi there! I'm from Cork, Ireland,living in London but currently working off Australia. After failing to win a place last year, Mark offered me a spot on his team this year and you would have to be crazy not to take up the challenge of a life time. Mark and I both work in the Merchant Navy so thats going to test the organising skills to the max. I'm currently working in the off shore industry in western Australia and hope to finish up work in mid June and head back home for a crazy month of getting things together. May the madness begin!

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Mark Smeaton

Hello, well I'm Mark one part of team flaming hedgehog. My buddy for the road trip is Jerry. We both work in the merchant navy so this land driving is gonna be slightly different. However up for the challenge...bring it on!

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<p>Hello there folks,</p><p>&nbsp; Well one member of team Flaming Hedgehog back on dry land and starting the campaign.</p><p>&nbsp; Starting the daunting task of organising everything.. where to start!!!</p><p>&nbsp; First things we've managed to bag a car, a Toyota Yaris 1.0ltr - pickup Monday weather dependent!!</p><p>&nbsp; Maps have been sourced and the website needs some errrrrrm work!!!!!</p><p>&nbsp; Will drop an update when I can</p><p>&nbsp; Mark</p>