Team From Denmark with LOVE

Alexander Bjerregaard-Nielsen
Of From Denmark with LOVE
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day 15 - a deja vu of sorts

Today we reached Munnar, a hill station. to reach Munnar, we drive through rain on steep narrow roads surrounded by tea fields. Much like in Darjeeling. Hopefully, the sun will be out and the views will be even more spectacular than they were today. ![file](//

Alexander Bjerregaard-Nielsen
Of From Denmark with LOVE
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day 14 - the long haul

After receiving two function in rickshaws last night, we powered through the night and the following day. When we found a hotel for the night, we had driven for 22 hours straight and covered 700 km. We have never been more optimistic about making it to kochi on the 19th (except for before the race started and we had no idea how big issues we'd face)

Alexander Bjerregaard-Nielsen
Of From Denmark with LOVE
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day 10 - Another day, another breakdown

We left Puri in the morning, crossing a lake by ferry, hoping to enter a steak of breakdown-free days. We were quickly disappointed when RCPH broke down. No one in the nearest city could fix it and we decided to have it shipped to Vijayawada, 600 km south. Locals said it'd take 10 hours - fast, but not impossible given googles estimate of 9 hours. Christian and Alex boarded the truck while the others took a train

Alexander Bjerregaard-Nielsen
Of From Denmark with LOVE
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day 8 - another early morning, another breakdown

After yet another early morning, we broke down a bit before noon. After taking apart the engine, we found a small metal piece in RCPH's piston. After removing it, we were back on the road. Only 20 km later, we broke down again and the piston was full of scrap metal. We found a nearby city and dragged RCPH to the mechanic. Several hours later, the piston had been replaced and we reached Balasore where we'd spend the night and get up early (again).

Alexander Bjerregaard-Nielsen
Of From Denmark with LOVE
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day 4 - Calcutta dreaming

In order to see the sun rise over the Himalayas, we woke up at 4. However, the thick fog was still omnipresent and unable to see the building on the other side of the street we didn't expect visibility to be good enough to see the Himalayas, so we went back to sleep. After a couple extra hours of sleep and a big breakfast we headed to Siliguri to pick up our rickshaw at around noon. We (almost) cried tears of joy as our tin shed-mechanic told us he had managed to do what the official Bajaj-mechanics couldn't, and fixed our rickshaw. After a few pictures with the locals, we headed back on the open road and on the highway we overtook cows, pedestrians, bicyclists, trucks and even a few other participants in the rickshaw run. Our dream of reaching Calcutta in two days seemed within reach.![file](// Alas, after refueling 30km from our hotel of the night the Royal Copenhagen rickshaw experienced the same starting problem that has been haunting us since day 2. With no other choice, we tied it to the EM92 car and made it through the pitch-black avoiding potholes and lorry drivers and made it to Raiganj. Here we parked both rickshaws at a local, official Bajaj service center. Why both? The clutch handle of the EM92 rickshaw broke. So now, we go to sleep with not one but two broken rickshaws. To end on a positive note, we had dinner and Tuborg delivered to our hotel room where we watched Man Utd beat Leicester in the Community Shield.

Alexander Bjerregaard-Nielsen
Of From Denmark with LOVE
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day 3 - Darjeeling bound

Waking up at 4am in Falakata, we had set Darjeeling as our destination of the day. With no traffic on the roads we were zooming through small Indian villages and endless rice fields, stopping only to refuel. At around 10am, at the foot of the mountain heading up to Darjeeling, we had our first pit stop in order to grab some breakfast/lunch. Energized and eager to race to Darjeeling, we climbed into our rickshaws. Alas, the Royal Copenhagen rickshaw wouldn't start. After two hours of random locals looking at the engine, we managed to hail a lorry who could put the rickshaw and Mathias and Joachim on its bed and drive to nearby Siliguri where we hoped a mechanic could fix the rickshaw. Meanwhile, Thomas, Christian and Alexander battled the cold, the thickest imaginable fog, incredibly steep hills and tight corners to arrive in Darjeeling. A couple of hours, and several talks to mechanics, later, Mathias and Joachim joined too. We all went to bed early in order to get up early too to see the sunrise over the Himalayas. ![file](//

Alexander Bjerregaard-Nielsen
Of From Denmark with LOVE
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Day 2 - full throttle

Today we woke up at 4 to make up for the time we lost on day one and up until 3pm we were doing marvelously. Unfortunately, one rickshaw broke down and we spent two hours in a repair shop, completely surrounded by interested locals, before getting back on the road. In the last 1.5 hour of daylight we managed to dislodge a screw in one wheel but still made it to Falakata where we'll spend the night. Tomorrow we wake up at 4 again

Alexander Bjerregaard-Nielsen
Of From Denmark with LOVE
On the Rickshaw Run August 2016

Dag 1 - en problemfyldt begyndelse

Kl 9 imorges blev Rickshaw Run endelig skudt igang. Der gik dog ikke mange minutter inden vores EM92 rickshaw var brudt sammen og vores RoyalCPH rickshaw var punkteret. Dette skulle vise sig at blive dagens tema og 6 timer efter startskuddet havde vi stadig ikke forladt Shillong, startbyen. Hen på eftermiddagen fik vi gang i vores rickshaws og susede 90 km ud ad landevejen til Guwahati. For at indhente det tabte står vi imorgen op ved 4-tiden så vi kan få vejen for os selv et par timer og indhente det tabte. ![file](//


Christian Claudi


From Denmark with LOVE