Team Cowboys in India

joshua green
Of Cowboys in India
On the The Rickshaw Run 2014 (January)

Sawarde, Maharashtra, India

after seeing the sunrise over Mumbai slums, another long day involving a 'short' cut up a dirt track to the top of a mountain, becoming the local taxi service and more hill starts than a learner driver we have made it here. Plan is to set off early and try and make it to goa. Been an amazing day. Good to get off the not so beaten track.

joshua green
Of Cowboys in India
On the The Rickshaw Run 2014 (January)

Bharuch, Gujarat, India

long long day, managed to travel 150km by 11am, by 11.30 we were back at 120km. Wheel bearings had gone as previous owner of our beast seem to have crashed it and bent the front wheel stick thingy. After 6hrs, 4 mechanics, 1 re weld, entire front of the rickshaw removed and a £7.50 bill we were one our way. First night drive. Don't do it. Lorrys everywhere. Nowhere to stay and pretty limited vision. We finally made it here and caught up with a couple of other teams. Just tucking into our first meal in 24hrs. Fewwww


Love travelling adventure and a keen rickshaw rally driver


Virgin rickshaw rider who doesn't quite know what he has let himself into...