Summer Planning

I had it all figured out, I had a job, a place to live and friends who ensured they would keep me company in the big shmoke over the sunny months.
However, this all changed just under a month ago, when we were participating in one of our daily late night drives in SoCoDublin. As we paused at traffic lights Feargal blurted out ‘I’ve nearly convinced Mossy to go on the Mongol Rally with me, well he’s a third of the way convinced!’ in an excited tone of voice. I quickly piped up reminding him that of course I would do it and that I had told him I would previously.
The predicament: I had lined up work once again in the equestrian department of the RDS for the lead up and duration of the Horse Show, but Feargal had no plan after June 16th. When he finished his term in the Presidential Office of UCDSU, he was out in the big bad world and who wouldn’t want to postpone that for as long as possible? Before we knew it, Eoghan had informed us that he would be up for the journey too, but he also had work to get out of. I would have been devastated if I missed out on what seemed to be a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel the world with two of my best friends.
In the early days people didn’t really seem to believe us, I suppose we did have a lot to organise (and it’s fairly crazy) but it’s not that we didn’t ever seem to follow through on promises or anything… As soon as we got home we got googling and youtubing everything we could find in relation to the rally and rapidly got incredibly overwhelmed and excited, firstly at the distance and then for the adventure which could unfold.
The Rally is due to begin on Sunday, July 19th from the south of England and somehow, both Eoghan and I managed to get out of work, after a lot of procrastination mind you, somebody must have been looking out for us those days!
Registration is paid for so there is no backing out now, the biggest concerns my parents had were sunburn and bathrooms (I must have left out a lot more information than I thought). We met a previous participant of the race whose team surely went through some trials and tribulations and we left the encounter even more excited than ever.
Let the adventure begin…
#MongolRally #GasCraic #BellevueOnTour