Team mongolmotorcross

Robert Northover
Of mongolmotorcross
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

we made it! After spending an extra day in altai in the pissing rain 2 fix the rear torsion bar on the saxo we set off into the desert. 30 miles later an encounter with a rock meant a bent sump, damaged oil pump and therefore seized engine! After getting the saxo towed back to altai we loaded the micra up like a pack mule, and went 2 up on the bikes for the last 500 miles! The bikes have done us proud. All that remains is 2 get on the beers and find out how 2 get home as si should have been at work 4 days ago!

Hovd, Mongolia

spent 24 hours at border and then our 1st night at a locals house with 4 other teams which was the strangest vodka fueled night ever. Yesterdays riding was brilliant on nothing more than tracks through the mountains and the scenery is unbelievably beautiful. Theres suposed 2 be a big river crossing coming up so that should b interesting, but one way or another we have 2 get 2 ub 2 get home!

Biysk, Russian Federation

from the kazak desert and a dodgy fix 2 the windy city truck with a home made welder, we're now back in russia and going 2 make a push 4 the mongolian border 2day. We split from windy city yesterday so they can go northern route So its now us the micra and saxo. Hopefuly the team will be reunited 4 a beer in ub. Good luck boys.

Aktobe, Kazakhstan

this is our third day here. The 1st night we slept in the dirt in no mans land at the border waiting one of the avengers visas to become valid. Atyrau was a big surprise,such a modern city! We've had camels crossing the road and peoples faces are now more asian. The last 100km 2day was the worst roads we've seen and we're told they get worse from here so should be fun! Met up with 2 more teams 2night so a bit of a convoy 2morow!

Province of Volgograd, Russian Federation

good evening comrades! After the corupt nightmare to get into the ukraine it was with a sense of dread that we headed for the russian border, but not before hiding all our cash in our boots and bike airboxes! But it proved to be a fairly easy if somewhat lengthy afair. Just checked into hotel and found 3 more rally teams hooray! Now off for a beer to exchange tales.

Dnipropetrovs'k, Ukraine

wow wot a culture shock! Within 1 hour of border crossing got chased by police twice and stopped once more! Only paid 1 bribe tho. Spectacular countryside and last nite a man named alexey let us stay at his home because he too is a biker who's traveled in many countries. Staying 2nite in a crap trucker motel. With any luck 2morow nite will b our last in ukraine b4 the motherland beckons!

Simon MacCormack

Load Simon

Robert Northover

Load Robert