Kyahta, Russia
picked up two Russian hithickers with their 2 year and 6 month children and a Latvian guy at the border. Got priority at the border be
Kyahta, Russia
picked up two Russian hithickers with their 2 year and 6 month children and a Latvian guy at the border. Got priority at the border be
Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia
And for the last part of the trip we head towards Ulan Ude in Russia. 6 hours of driving and at least 6 hours waiting at the border.
Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia
we are finally in Ulaan Baatar witj the car after several days of being extremely slow.
Ulan Ude, Russia
me and Tryggvi arrived at the finish line, flight home in few hours. Helgi and Daniel just got their suspension fixed, rolling on the road.
Darvi, mongolia
our team splitt up because of time shortage. Tryggvi and me are going on a 36hrs bus ride bumping on the mongolian roads
Khovd, Mongolia
Only 45hrs of driving left! We managed to find a mechanic beetween the Mongolian tents, got him to fix our leaking gearbox and exhaustpipe!
Tolbo, Mongolia
Back on the road again!! It seems that everyone in Mongolia is a mechanic but our transmission is still leaking. Driving into the night!
Tsagaannuur, Mongolia
Transmission fluid leaking, Still waiting at the Mongolian border, what next?
Tsagaannuur, Mongolia
Computer failure at the Mongolian border control, hopefully they don't have Windows 95.
Kosh-Agach, Russia
7 min late to the border yeaterday. Now we have to wait until Monday drinking vodka and singing Soviet songs with other stuck Russians.
Four nonchalant Icelanders looking for the finest ice cream parlour in Ulaan Bator