Team Ghost Chili Busters

Liam Arpino-Walsh
Of Ghost Chili Busters
On the Rickshaw Run January 2016

The Journey Begins...

Hi Hi Readers,

Welcome to the first instalment of team Ghost-Chili-Busters Rickshaw Run blog.

Let's fill you in on the what's, why's and who's.


So we are partaking in a pan Indian adventure, starting in Cohin in the south to Jaislamer in the north. That is 3,500km before you ask. Sounds great right? Yeah it does! Now to throw a little curveball in there...we shall be tackling this adventure in a glorified lawnmower, the dream machine that is a Rickshaw. Now if you're not sure what a rickshaw is, it is a three wheeled machine that has the engine of a very small motorbike. So take that rickshaw, the "roads" in India, and now shove three fully grown, sweaty, hairy men in there and you start to paint one beautiful picture.


Why are we doing this, or how have we had the pleasure of attempting this? Some great guys called 'The Adventurists' set up theses crazy great journeys and get people from all over the world to raise money for great causes. One such cause is Cool Earth who we aim to raise money for during our journey.Here is a link to their website for more information and a link to your fundraising page incase you feel the sudden urge to help us in our quest:


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[/gallery] So, to introduce the triple threat that is the GCB, I shall start with the Leader and mastermind of the adventure - A one Mr. Sam Withers. Sam, 25, a self confessed badass and a genuine Midlands gangster. Sam is the engineer of the team and hopefully will be on hand to sort any breakages that will occur on our journey. He has a unfathomable knowledge of geography so will be a dab hand on the old navigation.(His knowledge on capitals of countries is unrivalled).

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Lewis Davison, 25, a cycle mad, Guinness chugger. Lewis is the physically fit one of the team and when myself and Sam are flagging, I'm sure we shall be looking to Lewis to drag us out of our undoubtable hungover state (Only because the man can neck Guinness like there is no tomorrow and still be up at the crack of dawn the next day).

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Liam Arpino-Walsh (Yours truly), 27, pizza lover and maker of pretty things. I am the artist of the team and no doubt, the liability. I shall be the one charged with documenting this ordeal through all the ups, downs and round abouts we have. Yes, that is Blue Steel.

Hopefully this has shed a little light onto our adventure and who we actually are. Keep up to date with us on this trek here and see how far we make it before we befall some troubles. Feel free to have a laugh at our expense, its what we are doing this for really!

On to the departure tomorrow!

India, we are coming for you!

Mucho love GCB

Sam Withers

Load Sam

